Friday, December 15, 2017

SRM: Oops, I Bungled The Karma for Nuyen Rule Once

On Monday, my FLCGS will host the final Shadowrun (5E) Missions (SRM) organized play event of the year. In preparation, I need to update my PC's character sheet and timeline. Easy, right?

As it turns out, I forgot there's a cap on the Karma for Nuyen rule (working for the people). Which is kind of bad as it throws off total karma, nuyen, and timeline. In SRM, we track the PCs time each week. In a roundabout fashion of course.

After verifying, I had only over-paid for 5 karma over the course of previous modules.

This last module, we only earned 5 karma.

Fortunately, I only need to spend one week of the PC's calendar to rectify the PC, Nox my human combat mage, having 5 more karma than he should. Been managing a huge karma reserve so no hiccups on the advancement end.

Downside, Nox is now an unplanned week ahead on downtime and lifestyle costs. Sigh.

Happy Gaming.

Next time.

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