Thursday, June 30, 2016

Happy 78th Cover Date Birthday Action Comics vol 1/Superman!

Earlier today, an establishment played the William's Superman movie musical score. Afterwards, a Happy Birthday wish was made to the Man of Steel, Superman. Now leap year is Supes's in-world birthday as I referenced way back in February. Don't recall Clark Kent's in-world b-day; but I am sure it wasn't June 30th. So was it the movie? His first appearance? An actor's birthday?

Well, I decided to reference my copy of The Golden Age of Superman Omnibus Volume One, a massive tome collecting Action vol 1 (rather surreal that such a designation is required) issues 1  - 31, Superman issues 1 - 7, and New York's World's Fair Comics 1 - 2. I'd go on but that's a review for another day.

Anyway, Action Comics Volume One #1, the first published appearance of Superman, is cover dated June 1938. Now, publishing wasn't the exact science that is nowadays. Today, I can reference a shipping date that'll be pretty precise within a week or two. Not so much then especially with something that was then considered trivial such as comic books. Compounding the issue is the haziness of cover dates. A comic dated April could very well have hit the stands in February. So who knows, exactly? So I suppose June is as good a month as any.  Perhaps one day, enough data or research will unearth a much more specific date. Till then, I perfectly fine with celebrating Superman and Action Comics anniversary based on its cover date. Furthermore, since we can't hammer down an actual date, June 30th works well as any other. Might as well be on the safe side.

What better way to celebrate than to read Superman's very first published story? Right?

Great Caesar's Ghost! Never realized that I have never read this story before! Kind of funny actually to realize a new milestone has been reached. I can now say I've read Superman's first appearance.

So brief review: For starters it's amazing how much is covered within 8-pages. There's an origin story followed Superman saving the life of an innocent person. Couple things of note. One, there's no mention of the Kents. From a modern perspective, it is amazing how Superman's ID could remain secretive what with his public displays. Also, seeing a countdown of Superman saving an innocent was a neat device. What's even more incredible is that he does so following normal channels except using extraordinary means. We're introduced to his guise as Clark Kent whose a reporter and his relationship with Lois. The iconic cover scene is even reproduced within the pages of the story! Contrast that with today's comics where one is lucky if the cover even reflects the contents inside. Superman even contends with two incidents that are quite topical today, domestic abuse and lobbyists. What's fascinating is that Superman isn't the boy scout that he's portrayed to be today. In many ways, he's a mix between the boy scout and the Superman depicted in the latest movies, ie Man of Steel and Dawn of Justice. I also was surprised in that what I thought was an era of done-in-one stories that the final segment ended in a serialized "cliffhanger" ending. Overall: a true classic - 5 out of 5 stars.

So here's to 78 years of Action Comics (v1) #1 and Superman!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

My Two Cents on Boom's July for September '16 Previews Solcitations

We're days away from July. Today is the final Wednesday of the month of June so the July Previews Catalog has reached the stands. So to continue my jump ahead look at July's solicitations, here's my thoughts on Boom's July for September 2016 solicits. A link for those that want to follow that either don't have a copy of Previews or don't desire to pick up a copy is HERE.

  • SKYBOURNE #1 (of 5) - Frank Cho of Liberty Meadows fame starts a new title where Arthurian elements mix with the antics of James Bond and Indiana Jones. Could be neat. Not much to go on with the solicit here.
  • JOYRIDE VOL. 1 TP  - Nice low price of ten dollars. Reprints the first four issues so cheaper than the individual issues. A sci-fi story about teenagers stealing off into the night or in this case the universe. The biggest selling point is the price point as the concept doesn't call to me although it would if I was much younger perhaps.
  • THE OFFICIAL ART OF BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA HC - A companion book to the making of book. Kind of cool. Only thirty years after the film's debut.
  • ROWANS RUIN TP - Haven't read the series itself so I don't know if this is a haunted house or a house with secrets story. Written by Mike Carey so it should be good.
  • KLAUS HC - The Grant Morrison story about Santa Claus Year One is collected in a nice shiny hardcover. Last Christmas/Yule/Whichever seasonal holiday you prefer, Klaus #1 was one of the comics that I planned to review as part of celebration of the season. So... my hope is to do that as well as the entire story next holiday. Since I've purchased the entire mini-series, I won't be getting this.
  • VENUS TP - Like the show Lost and the book/movie the Martian except on Venus. Intriguing.
  • SLEEPY HOLLOW: PROVIDENCE TP - While I am a fan of the show Sleepy Hollow not sure if I want to read a comic adaptation. However, the writer is one of the shows creators so this should be about as authentic as Whedon-written Whedonverse comic.
  • JIM HENSON’S LABYRINTH TALES HC - More Labyrinth abounds in this children's book. Don't know if this is reprinted or an original work.
  • MOUSE GUARD: LEGENDS OF THE GUARD BOX SET - Mouse Guard receives the slipcase treatment! Still haven't read my copy of the first book...
Thus concludes my two cents on Boom Studios' July/September 2016 solicits. Honestly, by the time, I reach Boom my budget does not have much wiggle room so I have gotten used to skimming or passing over the section. One nice thing about writing my thoughts on various publishers' solicits is that I may not have noticed these offerings. A problem with Previews is that the further into the catalog one goes, the less attention those offerings receive. A crying shame.

Monday, June 27, 2016

I'm Back, Back in the Shadow(run) Again

Back in college, Shadowrun was one of my RPGs of choice. I was an avid player and game master of the game's third edition. Played and ran in several campaigns. Amassed quite a collection of third edition books (and some 1st and 2nd as well). Alas, when college ended, so did my Shadowrun gaming. Sure some of it was change in gaming groups. Another was the advent of Fourth Edition. While I picked up a signed copy of the edition's release at Gen Con, I never did play it. My experience running third edition left me with impression that I required much, much more extensive knowledge of the rules before running. Fourth Edition changed quite a bit. Before I knew it, there was less and less demand to play Shadowrun. I relegated the game to the backburner and started playing other games instead. Many of those gaming experiences one can read about via earlier entries on this blog.

So for about a decade I didn't play one of my favorite role-playing games of all time.

Recently, the organized play group that runs the Adventurer's League for D&D 5E decided that they'll once a month host Shadowrun Missions using the fifth edition of Shadowrun. D&D 5E, Shadowrun 5E quite a funny coincidence, isn't it? If SR4 hadn't preceded D&D 4E by a couple years, you'd swear they were in lock-step...

Anyhoo, back on track... Before starting official SR Missions, they ran a one-shot in order to get a feel for the fifth edition rules. They used the Quick-Start Mod, 'Food Fight'. Players from earlier editions who fondly remember the quickie 'Food Fight', this is not that Food Fight. This a complete run, in and of itself, and not a chaotic firefight within a Stuffer Shack. Still a good mod. I selected a pre-made Combat Mage. While my prior knowledge helped quite a bit, fifth edition changed just enough of the rules such that playing the mod was a good crash course to smooth out the rough edges. Regardless, my Shadowrun fandom was energized. I eagerly awaited the start of SR Missions.

Unfortunately, the best laid plans of mice and men... My schedule was such that I could not make that first session. My planned write-up for that 'Food Fight' session vanished into the aether such that what I wrote above is all that remains of what comes easily to me. But then it is rather difficult to write a review or about a session, two months after the fact. On the gaming front, since I wasn't going to play the game immediately, reading the core book went from avid to not much at all. My character creation didn't get out of the concept stage. Still deciding between a full magician and mystical adept. A Doctor Strange like character was dashed when I finally perused the SR Missions guidelines and discovered a flaw was banned. Sigh...

Well, today marks the end of such stalled progress. I finally get to play my first Shadowrun Missions session. Once again, my interest is sparked. Don't think I'll procrastinate reading the core book or the SR Missions guidelines anymore. While I haven't created a character yet, I will play the same Combat Mage that played in the one-shot. Who knows? Instead of making my own, the pre-gen may even grow on me! Better yet, after a decade-long hiatus, once more I'll be playing in a Shadowrun campaign albeit an organized play campaign. To paraphrase the song: 'I'm baaack! I'm back in the shadows again'.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Musings on Dark Horse's September 2016 solicitations

July is almost upon us. Next week, Diamond Comics July Previews catalog containing September solicitations will also be upon us. Rather than wait until early to mid July to provide my two cents on various comic publishers' solicitations, I'd figure I would start now especially since they've been available since mid-June...

Instead of commenting on whichever solicitation strikes my fancy for the month of July, I'll just gab about first issues and trades although my coverage will be one or two publishers at a time.

Today's entry is Dark Horse Comics September 2016 solicitations. You can read a full list HERE.
  • Aleister & Adolf HC - famed occultist Aleister Crowley employs a mystical weapon against the Axis powers. Interesting, but very pricey for such a low page count book. I suppose one could view as an OGN...
  • Aliens: Life and Death #1 (of 4) - Get the feeling that this mini is a continuation of another story. Which the solicitations does not mention what that story is. However, writer Dan Abnett does tremendous work; and I'm sure Aliens fans would love more Aliens comics.
  • Archie Archives: The Double Date and Other Stories TP - another collection of archival Archie stories contained in a more affordable softcover edition. I have to say while Archie reprints some of the classics those collections are scattershot throughout a multitude of volumes. So it's nice to see a more serialized collection series.
  • Astrid Volume 1: Cult of the Volcanic Moon TP - I'm not as interested in the story for its sci-fi setting but that the creator, Kim W. Andersson, is Swedish. As an American comics, European comics and works by Europeans are either a luxury or one doesn't know that it's by a European. The $20 for 144 pages is pretty good deal too.
  • Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1954—The Black Sun #1 (of 2) - A new Hellboy story! I confess much of my exposure is via the two movies...
  • Rise of the Black Flame #1 (of 5) - Another BPRD series begins. Not sure if this is an origin story or not...
  • The Strain: Mister Quinlan—Vampire Hunter #1 (of 5) - Fans of the FX show The Strain and the books upon which it is based my want to check this out as it concerns the beginnings of one it's characters.
  • Tarzan on the Planet of the Apes #1 (of 5) - What's that? Tarzan and Caesar know each other? Could be interesting. I will say the premise is rather cool.
That rounds up my two cents on some Dark Horse's offerings. More thoughts on more publishers will follow.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Image, IDW, and DC June-August '16 Solicitation Highlights

Earlier today, I posted what some ruminations on Boom and Marvel's June for August 2016 solicits. I find it can be draining to write it all in one go. So I decided to split them into groups. For next month's solicits, I may try individual publisher write-ups. We'll see.

Here's a link to Image's June 2016 solicits:
  • THE BLACK MONDAY MURDERS #1 - Imagine if supernatural forces used the banking cartels to control the populace. The former Vampire: the Masquerade player is intrigued. Kind of topical to the current political environment as well...
  • KILL OR BE KILLED #1 - A vigilante who kills bad people reluctantly. So Punisher with a conscience?
  • DEMONIC #1 (OF 6) - A cop who makes a faustian bargain. Meh.
  • LAKE OF FIRE #1 - An alien invasion occurs during the Inquistion. Could be a good sci-fi/historical mash-up.
  • SPAWN #266 - Todd McFarlane and Erik Larsen teaming up on a Spawn/Savage Dragon team-up issue? Cool!
Here's a link to IDW's June '16 solicits:
  • The Adventures of Augusta Wind, Vol. 2: The Last Story #1 - Didn't read the first volume ; but J.M. DeMatteis's all-ages work is top-notch.
  • Atomic Robo and the Temple of Od #1 (of 5) - A new Atomic Robo story begins! I'll probably wait for the trade or the super-duper trade such as...
  • Atomic Robo: The Hell and Lightning Collection - collects three Atomic Robo stories!
  • Jackboot & Ironheel #1 (of 4)  - a WWII horror story. Not much to go on based on the solicit.
  • March Book 3 - The graphic novel depiction of the Civil Rights movement continues. Wonder if there'll be a giant omnibus edition?
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection, Vol. 3 - For quite some time, I purchased the IDW continuity via trades. Then I stopped. Replacing the trades with nice shiny hardcovers could be rather cool albeit expensive. However, I wouldn't have to worry about any gaps.
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #1 - A second IDW-verse Turtles books starts. Not sure if I want the pamphlet or wait for the trade...
  • Duck Avenger #0 - I've purchase just about every reproduced translated Disney comic that IDW published. Disney characters as super-heroes don't thrill me. Think I'll pass on this one.
Here's a link to DC's June '16 solicits:
  • The Rebirth one-shots are: BLUE BEETLE, DEATHSTROKE, SUPERGIRL, SUICIDE SQUAD - I plan on picking up all of these in order to sample the new titles.
  • All the new issue ones starting this month: ALL-STAR BATMAN, BATGIRL AND THE BIRDS OF PREY, DEATHSTROKE, HARLEY QUINN, THE HELLBLAZER, RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS, SUICIDE SQUAD, SUPERWOMAN - I've learned never say never to trying a new book. All these will be impulse buys that I buy off the rack although I may pick of Hellblazer and Superwoman for sure.
Next month, I'll try and devote more space to DC. By then Rebirth should normalized; and I'll have better idea of what I prefer and don't. While I miss the free samples of DC You, I do appreciate that DC did not release every new title at once ala New 52 and DC You.

Boom and Marvel's August 2016 Solicitation Highlights

Continuing my commentary on various comic book publishers June-August 2016 solicitations. Here my thoughts on Boom and Marvel.

You can read the Boom June 2016 solicitation HERE.
  • MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS 2016 ANNUAL - Several creators, such as Terry Moore of Strangers in Paradise fame, try their hand at creating Power Rangers short stories. An anthology of MMPR stories could be a neat and the "Origin of Goldar" could explain how that character came to be. While I collect the main series, I have not read them yet. So maybe.
  • JIM HENSON’S LABYRINTH 30TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL #1 - Despite growing up during the 80's (and 90's), I never watched Labyrinth until after David Bowie died. So nostalgia is not why this special attracts my eye. If you wanted all the FCBD stories plus brand-new stories in one, this could be the comic for you.
  • THE OFFICIAL MAKING OF BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA HC - Think the title says it all. The cult classic finally receive it's 'making of' book.
  • GARFIELD: A BIG, FAT, HAIRY ADVENTURE OGN TP - The very first Garfield original graphic novel. While Jim Davis isn't among the creators, I may have to get this.
  • PEANUTS: A TRIBUTE TO CHARLES M. SCHULZ TP - A more affordable softcover edition of the mash-up of creators celebrating Peanuts and Schulz.

For those that want to follow along, or read the entire, Marvel June 2016 solicitations here.
  • The Fallen #1 and The Accused #1 - Pet peeve of mine: if a solicitation alone, would spoil a major story beat especially if it's a solicitation for a one-shot, maybe you shouldn't publish the one-shot.
  • CIVIL WAR II: GODS OF WAR #3 (OF 4) - Hercules teaming up with other mythic heroes is cool. Very cool.
  • UNCANNY AVENGERS #13 - Cable and Steve Rogers Captain America fight! With the revelation at the end of Captain America Steve Rogers #1, the fight has a whole new dimension...
  • SQUADRON SUPREME #10 - The seeds for Namor's return from death apparently begin here. I'm down with that.
  • GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #11 - The Guardians jump into Civil War on Carol (Captain Marvel's) side. Question is: do all of them?
  • VENOM: SPACE KNIGHT #11 - Been awhile since Venom fought Spider-Man. Been a much, much longer time since Flash Thompson last fought Peter Parker.
  • ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT AVENGERS ANNUAL #1 - Okay, it could be neat reading stories meant to be Kamala Khan's (Ms. Marvel) fan fiction.
  • GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY BY BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS OMNIBUS VOL. 1 HC - I own most of the issues that the omnibus collects; however it's tempting to have much of Bendis's Guardians output in one volume...
  • DOCTOR STRANGE AND THE SECRET DEFENDERS TPB - The Secret Defenders are a guilty pleasure of mine as I enjoyed the book as a kid. While I believe I own most, if not all, these issues, I am glad that they are finally in trade paperback form.
Next up are the DC, IDW, and Image solicitations, which I'll comment on in a later entry.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

30 Years of Dark Horse Comics Part One: DHC Solicitations for August '16 Highlights

2016 marks an important milestone. Dark Horse Comics reaches its 30 year anniversary this year. Part of that celebration was that Dark Horse Comics decided that today, Saturday June 4th, was to be Dark Horse Day at participating retailers. Didn't get a chance to go to any participating retailers; however I decided to celebrate with one massive blog post.

Then I changed my mind. Instead, I'm splitting them into a series of posts. My first one will be what catches my eye from the June 2016 solicitations of books shipping in August and later. If you want to read them yourself, you can do so HERE.

And here we go...

(As always, inclusion does not mean that I'll buy the book.)
  • Abe Sapien 36 - Okay, I have never read nor collected this title. My familiarity of Abe is from the two Hellboy novels. However, it's the final issue of the series and concerns Abe's role in the Apocalypse. May read it at some point...
  • Archie Archives Volume 13 HC - A glorious hardcover that reprints classic Archie stories from his early years. For all you archivists out there.
  • Briggs Land #1 - A new series about an enclave anti-government secessionists whom in the rural stronghold are on the brink of in-fighting that may attract the attention the federal government. Wow. Talk about shades of political relevance. May just have to check this out...
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #30 - The final issue of Season 10! I've bought every issue. Alas, kept up not so much. Looking forward to the conclusion of the season.
  • Cages TP 2nd Edition - Its by the director of MirrorMask which I loved. Abstract graphic narrative strikes my fancy every now and then. Cages has been on my list for awhile. Don't know if this will be the time though.
  • The Fifth Beatle: The Brian Epstein Story Expanded Edition TP - Beatles fans may find this biography interesting as details the story of the aforementioned manager.
  • Halo: Tales from Slipspace HC - An original graphic novel that contains new stories set in the world of the video game series. For any Halo fans out there.
  • Kingsway West #1 (of 4) - Okay the final sentence of the solicitation says it all "Once upon a Time in the West meets Princess Mononoke." Now, that is cool. Don't know if I want the single issues or wait for the trade.
  • Moebius Library: The World of Edena HC - Moebius is one of those creators that I've never read. Affordable too for a European work.
  • World of Tanks #1 (of 5) - Garth Ennis writes this war comic set in the online game of World of Tanks. Another comic for the gamers out there.
More DH entries to come as well as my two cents on other publishers June/August offerings.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Big Finish's Colin Baker Birthday Special

Recently learned, courtesy of the purveyor of Doctor Who Audio Plays Big Finish, that next week marks Colin Baker's Birthday. For those who are new to Doctor Who, Colin Baker portrayed the sixth Doctor. While his run was comparably short compared to the likes of Tom Baker, David Tennant, Matt Smith and the like, Colin Baker reprised the role for Big Finish Audio Plays. Produced quite the number too! So to mark the occasion, Big Finish is offering a sale, either CD or DVD, this weekend on a select eleven audio plays. You can read the deal HERE.

Next to the third and fourth Doctors, the sixth Doctor holds a special place for me. Until I watched the 6th Doctors adventures, my Doctor Who viewing was scattershot at best. Would see an episode/story one day, then another a week later - maybe. More like month. Chronologically viewing the episodes? Forget about it. However, that would change with Colin Baker's first story. Not only would I watch Doctor Who regularly but I would proceed to watch them in order. In fact, I've seen almost every Sixth Doctor story. Some stories were only seen in parts. Can't make that claim with any of the other Doctors from the Classic era. Learned about the Time Lords. Finally understood regeneration. Was exposed to the Second Doctor via a Sixth Doctor story. In many ways, much of how I perceive the Doctor Who mythos was forged by this era. Needless to say, the Sixth Doctor, Colin's, is a very important incarnation of the Doctor to me. Always felt there should have been more Colin Baker - 6th Doctor stories.

Several years ago, I learned about Big Finish and their Doctor Who audio plays. Living across the pond, access is not easy. When I learned I could order the CD's, the price point made me hesitant at first. My very first audio CD was an insert in Doctor Who Magazine. For years, that was how I collect them. Then finally I took the plunge and purchased the audio CDs. The Doctor Who Audio CDs are part of my monthly comics order. However, I only started with Tom Baker's, 4th Doctor, second range. Barely purchased any of the main range, which includes Colin. Ergo, my main range collection is lacking. As for downloading, I hadn't yet truly taken the plunge. Big Finish offered some free audios as part of the 50th anniversary celebration. Downloaded those but that was it.

So in celebration of Colin Baker's Birthday, I purchased all eleven audios that comprise the special. Significant because not only have I expanded my 6th Doctor audio collection substantially but I purchased my first Big Finish audio download! A first step in a larger world. In addition to purchasing the latest CDs from my local comics shop, the entire backlist of audios are available to me with a but a click.