First, I want to say that my comments in my previous post trouble me. I don't want this blog to contain negative, whiny rants.
Second, I don't plan to comment on game sessions unless one of two criteria are met. I must either have ran that session or must have the burning desire to write about.
On to the subject matter at hand, I rambled once I started commented about the experience awarded after the last Rifts session. Afterwards, I realized that I never gave a basis for my rant. In a nutshell, all characters got 1000 xp as a base. One thousand experience points is a significant amount for first level characters to receive for one session. Active participants received 200 xp as a bonus.
Honestly, the whole matter of experience awards deserve its own space. Otherwise, any comments I make about a game session regarding experience points will just devolve into a whiny rant that just spin around in circles. A post for another time.
Monday, March 9, 2009
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really 1000+200 for good effort?what's the point in trying? Show up and roll when the gm tells you to.
I've given players 200 points for an entire game because they didn't try and they simply sat down at the table, didn't come up with any ideas, didn't contribute to the RPing, didn't use skills,much less creatively, just sucked.
I give 100 pts for physically showing up, 100 pts for bringing andsharing food, so that is probably whre they got it.
On the other hand, I have given almost 6k for a single nights gaming. The RPing was awesome, the creativity in skills and deductive reasoning were really good.
Maybe I am misreading your post, but seriously, 1k for showing up? and 200 for actually playing?
Both my posts were made almost two weeks afterwards. So most of my concern developed over time. I also forgot to include a detail.
Its true that the 1000 xp was for all PCs. That was a blanket xp award for what occurred during the session. However, it is also true that the 200 xp was a bonus for those that actively played.
It was that lack of incentive that upset me.
BTW, thanks for sharing your method of xp awards. Its interesting how different GM's award experience.
That was very kind. Here is my full table;
Out of Game
Arriving 100
Sharing/Bringing Food 100
Cooking for group 100-500
Lending Dice 100
Not using Player Knowledge 100
Per skill use 10
Choosing Natural Talent 250
Role Playing
Personal Sacrifice 1-500
Alignment 1-500
Playing in character 1-500
Motivation 1-500
Nature 1-500
Disposition 1-500
Trademark 1-500
Quirk 1-500
Family History Involvement 1-500
Character History Involvement 1-500
Overcoming some Bad Habit or Influence 1-500
Role Playing a Struggle 1-500
Role Playing an Aftermath 1-500
Character Realization 1-500
Character Style 1-500
MV Person Involvement 1-500
MV Possession Involvement 1-500
Clever/Futile Idea/Action 1-100
Clever/Useful Idea/Action 1-200
Daring/Heroic Clever/Not 1-200
Plan/Action that Saves Self 1-100
Plan/Action that saves PC 1-250
Plan/action that saves NPC 1-500
Risking Minor Damage to help others 1-100
Risking Serious Damage to help 1-250
Risking Life to help 1-500
Avoiding Unnecessary Violence 1-250
Avoiding Killing Foe 1-500
Deductive Reasoning/Insight 1-500
Good Judgment 1-100
Humor without disruption 1-100
Encouraging Party Member OOG 1-400
Encouraging Party Member IG 1-1000
Promoting Teamwork/Unity 1-200
Threat: Personal 1-100
Threat: Group 1-250
Threat: 10-50 1-500
Threat: 51-100 1-750
Threat: 101-1000 1-1,000
Threat: City 1-2,500
Threat: County 1-5,000
Threat: State 1-7,500
Threat: Region 1-10,000
Threat: Nation 1-25,000
Threat: International 1-50,000
Threat: Global 1-75,000
Threat: Planetary System 1-100,000
Threat: Galaxy 1-500,000
Threat: Universe 1-750,000
Threat: Interdimensional 1-1,000,000
SDC: 25% 5-500
SDC: 50% 10-500
SDC: 75% 15-500
SDC: 100% 20-500
HP: 25% 25-500
HP: 50% 50-500
HP: 75% 75-500
HP: 100% 100-500
WTL: 25% 200-500
WTL: 50% 300-500
WTL: 75% 400-500
WTL: 100% 500
I am just now thinking of a way to categorize individual threats.
Perhapes adding up attacks+combat bonses+max damage capability (so if the highest damageing attack is 1d6x10 then it might be +60 points(SDC+HP/10)=XP Reward
just thinking aloud
I kinda sorta wanted everyone on the same page. originally I was only going to give the one guy 500 points for showing up. I knew I was rewarding to much XP, but didn't think it would be a big deal. I agree that it is a lot for first level characters, I just don't want anyone to die yet. I suppose that with the whimsical level two that almost everyone recieved that I could kill everyone off, but that would be evidence of not being a good GM. I have always, when I played, had an expectation and experience of always getting to level two within like two or three game sessions. I realize now that just because I can do that through role-playing doesn't mean everyone else can. I agree also that I should reward experience not just give it away. So I will start giving XP the Rifts way; the way it was intended. I think I have been exposed to D&D 3.5 and 4 edition for too long, they just throw the XP at you in that game. And that is without role-playing.
One question on your chart Ira, what do you mean by WTL damage? I have not encountered this kind of damage before.
Matt, if you haven't already, can you post about the overall gaming experience in my Rifts game. I know I kinda screwed up with the XP and I apologize, but it doesn't even sound like you enjoy the game. Maybe you could post like your favorite part of the session was or something like that. I don't mean to be a dick, but some sort of feedback on my running style and my storyline would be most appreciated.
It was nice to read your XP chart Ira. I will take some of your numbers under consideration. Thank you.
WTL: Will to Live
THis is damage beyond SDC and HP
Let me give you a lengthy mechanical explanation;
With damage =/> the target's PE in a single blow, the being must roll a Willpower save (ME+PE+Spi)/3)x5%) (comes in handy for all sorts of situations likeinvoluntary vomiting and the like)or be Stunned. IF failed they must make another WP Check for a KO save. Fail that they must roll a Coma save. Fail that and they must roll a Death save. fail that and they must roll up a new PC. So while it doesn't happen often a severe blow of 31 pts to a target with PE of 30 could possily kill them if they are simply unlucky enough.
Is it lethal? Yeah, but the intent is to cause thoughtfulness and a sense of danger in any combat situation.
Of course this could be exemplified by Liam Neesoms (sp?) wife who got some bumps on her head, guesing a LOT less than 10 points of an average PE10 and died.
Anyhow so once we through SDC, we now enter HP. With every hit you must make a willpower check or be KOed, and then down the line for Coma and Death.
Once this is 0, we enter WTL, composed of ME+PE+Spi (Spi=Spirit, my aditive attribute)
You are automatically KOed and are effectively bleeding to death. You take damage every melee, about 10% of total damage (whatever is conveneient.
so what does WTL do? If you are working alone and have no auto healing abilities? Nothing
-It takes you out of the action and allows the attacker to focus on other individuals, possibly saving your life
-It allows for an unlucky/stupid PC to stop hurting themselves
-It allows for time for teammates and back up to reach and possibly save your life rather than iting 0HP and just die.
So, SPI is spirit. Is it just another 3d6 roll and no additives. Does it give bonuses? How does Spirit work in general, what is it used for?
ok this is one of the first things I changed other than adigng 30 to PS for XPS instead of just raising it to 30+whatever.
By the book;
ISP=Inner Strength Points
-used for Psychics
-Based off ME
PPE=Potential Psychic Energy
-Used for Mages
-Based off PE
1) Switched them and gave ISP to mages and gave the Potential PSYCHIC Energy to Psychics.
2) It seemed odd that a marathon runner would have a better spiritual power or protection than a monk, so I removed the Base PE and substituted it with Spirit.
PE is fine for a base of Chi, but not for magic
So ME=PPE, PE=Chi, Spi=Mana
3) While ISP was fine, I changed the name to Mana
4) Spirit gives you your base Mana and your magical defense, worked out the same way as yoru PE and ME bonuses.
5) I start my bonuses at 11, and depending on the stat the bonuses will change.
Why 11? Because 10 is the middle middleof te road for stats. If I have 50% more strength than the PS 10 guy I should do considerably more damage, since I can carry 3x what he can, at 100 v 300lb, and lift 600 v 200. Not to mention IQ, 10 being average, 7 being border line retarded and 13 being a mensa member.
Pretty much it is still the same as by the book;
IQ-10=Scholastic Skill Bonus
ME-10/2=Psionic Save Bonus
MAx5%=Charm OR Intimidate (pick one)
PS-10=+dmg (PS 15=1d6+5)
PP/10=Ranged Strike Bonus
PPx5%=Coordination; unskilled dexterity check
PE-10/2=Poisons Bonus
PEx5%=Coma and Death Saves
PBx5%=Allure OR Stun
Spd/10=Initiative, SPD, and Damage
-eg: Spd of 25=I+2, SPD+2, Dmg+2
Spi-10/2=Magic Save Bonus
Lck-10/2=Number of rolls per game
--Luck is another way of keeping players alive. NUmber of Rolls=number of rerolls or bolstered rolls one can make in a game. Chance allows for life saving, or character assisting events to happen, or items to appear (you find a carelessly discarded snub nose revolver in the garbage, who would do a thing like that?)
Sub Attributes:
-Unskilled awareness of the physical world. IQ for pure information gathering, ME for Processing
Charisma: MA+PB/2x5%
-Balancing your good looks with glib tongue
Willpower: ME+PE+Spi/3x5%
-Pulling on all avenues of strength, your abilitiy to withstand pain, etc
Sensitivity: MA+Spi/2x5%
-MA is empathy, spirit is your wisdom, but also your connection to the other worldly. This allows you to sense the not seen, eg;
You feel someone watching you
You are not alone in the room
basically nonpowered Sensitive Psionic Powers of perception. You feel a cold chill in the room, You do not want to go into the basement, etc
5) SDC Base: PS+PE+Class Base.
make sense? Added to it is PS/10:d6 per level
6) HP Base: PE
+PE/10:d6 per level
7) WTL: ME+PE+Spi. Never increases unless one of the stats does.
8) Base Attacks: The book says you get 2 attackds for being alive. I think the attributes you were either lucky enough to roll or worked hard for through skills should be rewarded. So (PP+Spd)/2)/10, or just (PP+Spd)/20. So a PP 22 and Spd 30 = 52/2=26/10=2.6=2
-So why speed and PP? I think of it this way. PP is the accuracy, Speed is, well, speed. Without Accuracy you are simply firing wildly like an uncontrolled assault rifle.
PP is the laser targetting and scope of a sniper rifle. Now we put the laser and scope on the assault rifle. Instead of emptying the magazine, we are doing short controlled burst, but more than the single shot.
9) Limitations:
-Attacks=PE.15 PE=15=15 Max attacks
-SPD Bonuses=PP
Wow that was more than I was intending. Hurt yet?
Ira, thanks for the XP chart, definition of WTL, and modifications of attributes.
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