Well, folks. I said I would blog about when the saga of upgrading my annual Marvel Digital Unlimited subscription to a Marvel Digital Unlimited Plus gift subscription was completed. Thus, the saga being over.
Today, I can say my gift subscription has begun!
Okay, technically, it began yesterday but I noticed it today. While in my mind my gift subscription began on Valentine's Day 2018, it began on the 13th. Haven't quite read anything yet as I was more exuberant that I didn't have to keep check if the Plus status started or not. Speaking of which, there's a shiny digital card too! Also, in my defense, today is also new comics day at FLGCS everywhere. Ergo, I went on my comics buying pilgrimage.
A couple observations about the gift subscriptions:
One, it's truly denoted as a gift subscription. An end date is clearly visible; and there is not auto-renewal.
Two, as I stated before, the gift subscription isn't cumulative with an existing annual subscription. Or at least upgrading from a standard to a plus isn't...
Third, delaying activation of the gift subscription by about a month and a half didn't reduce the amount of time the subscription lasts. A full year of Plus membership remains. Okay, minus a day given I didn't notice yesterday...
So, the drama of upgrading my membership has ended. I endeavor to read more of the comics available on Marvel Digital Unlimited than I have in the past. Really haven't read as much as I should which is why losing my old annual membership roughly two months early doesn't sting as much as it should.
Happy Reading!
Next time.
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