Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Previews (aka Diamond) and Cancellations

One feature I liked about the Previews Costumer Order Form was the list of cancellations in the back. I appreciated knowing whether or not a particular item was late or cancelled. Now there were times when such an item would show up, which made gauging the list's accuracy difficult. Furthermore, reading the cancellation list could be tedious at times cause not every product would concern me.

Then one catalog came and the list was gone. I understand the need for space so I accepted the change. Since I have had cancelled items in the past, I went to the Previews site as suggested by the order form. To my frustration, there was not section that conveniently listed cancellations. Modifications, yes. Cancellations, resolicitations, lateness were not readily apparent. In other words, if I want to know the status of a particular item I have to ask the retailer.

Incredibly frustrating.

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