Saturday, May 14, 2016

July 2016 Previews Solicitations Highlights

Months ago, I declared that I would no longer produce blog entries highlight new issue one's for Marvel's All-New, All-Different line. Instead, I would cover whatever new comic or trade that struck my fancy from any publisher. Well, the former I accomplished quite masterfully as that was my last all #1's. Unfortunately, true to form, I never did the latter... until now. So here's my two cents on various titles from the May - July 2016 Previews catalog that caught my eye from several publishers. Just in time too as local comic shops will probably finalize their orders in a week or two. So not quite fashionably late, eh?

For each of reference, I provide links to a given company's solicitation.

From IDW's July 2016 solicitation:
  • Rom #1 - Let's start with the title that I am eagerly anticipating the most. The return of Rom to comics. Years ago as a kid, I received a long box of assorted back issues. Among those comics were several issues of Rom. Been a fan ever since and occasionally add to my collection whenever I can. I am glad that the Spaceknight is finally returning to comics to fight the Dire Wraiths. Hmm, I suspect a reading binge is in order...
  • Deviations... In a World Where Everything Changed TP - IDW's What if? event that explores what would happen if a different corner was taken in the worlds of the TMNT, Ghostbusters, GI Joe, Transformers, and X-Files. Back when the one-shots were solicited, I decided to wait for the trade. Here it is. A strong possibility.
  • Jem and the Holograms Outrageous Oversized Hardcover - Okay, I admit it. Back in the day, I watched the original cartoon when it aired on the TV. So out of sheer nostalgia this collection of the first ten issues pique my interest. Nostalgia goggles aside, I am not all that interested. Just pumped from 80's/90's cartoon fandom perspective.
  • Mickey's Craziest Adventure - a French (or is it Italian?) Disney story told as if it's an archival story from the 60's in which Mickey and Donald embark on a psychedelic adventure. Been an avid collector of IDW's Disney relaunch so I relish a chance to sample a different country's approach to these Disney icons.
From Marvel's July 2016 solicitation:
  • Civil War II - When the first Civil War raged across the Marvel titles, I had already excused myself from following it. Civil War part two may be a different story as I am leaning toward an impulse buy of the main title. I probably won't buy many of the spin-offs though. DC Rebirth ensures I won't be as Civil War II happy as I was ANAD happy.
  • Uncanny Avengers 11 - here's a book that was so popular that my 'buy off-the-rack' approach led to me falling off the title after issue 4 or 5. The return of Hank Pym Post-Rage of Ultron OGN fills me with excitement for this issue. We'll see, We'll see.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy 10 - Hey, Angela (of Spawn fame) is back! Cool! Remember, when I thought this title would be on my pull? Guess, I was wrong...  Barring too many missing issues, I may have to add it just in time...
  • Silver Surfer 6 - 200 issues of the Silver Surfer. That's how many Silver Surfer comics there will have been as of this issue. That's pretty neat.
  • Ms Marvel Omnibus vol 1 HC - a collection of the 'first' season of Kamala Khan stories in a nice shiny hardcover? Now, that is cool. Expensive too. But it's one hefty tome for anyone who hasn't read this new character's stories yet.
  • Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu Omnibus vol 1 HC - a massive tome that collects the 70's mag of Marvel's Kung-Fu heroes. Some Kung-fu Marvel action is always cool. Much like the Ms Marvel Omnibus it falls more along the line 'hey, look this is cool!' than 'guess what I'm buying'.
  • Star Wars: Heroes for A New Hope HC - While I collected the two main Star Wars titles, I didn't purchase the Princess Leia, Lando, and Chewbacca minis as I decided to wait for the trade. Here's all three stories combined into one massive hardcover. Gulp.
From Boom's July 2016 solicitation:
  • Garfield 2016 Summer Special #1 - when the dailies and Sunday's aren't enough, here's a one-shot Garfield pamphlet for you! Maybe.
  • Peanuts: Friend Forever 2016 Special #1 - Guess, this is the end of Boom's Peanuts comics. While I always meant to read more of these Peanuts comics, I never did. Just wasn't meant to be, I guess.
From Dark Horse July 2016 solicitations:
  • Conan the Slayer 1 - By Crom, a new Conan series. I haven't read DH's Conan since Tim Truman was on the book. Maybe.
  • Predators vs Judge Dredd vs Aliens 1 - Awesome! A crossover where the Predators, Aliens, and Judges of Judge Dredd face each other. Impulse or trade.
Of course, there's more comics that I think are cool enough to deserve a shout out. Not enough time in the day to go over everything though. Perhaps next month, I'll split coverage into more manageable chunks.

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