Tuesday, February 2, 2016

TV Round Up 1/26 - 2/1

How about another round of what I thought of several shows that aired from January 26th through February 1st.

Spoilers ahead.

Flash - RIP Turtle. I know I should be so hard on the show but the Flash's second season has been murder on its new crop of villains. Literally. Cisco receives his Vibe goggles! He's now one step closer to becoming the hero Vibe. If he becomes Vibe... As the trailers hinted at, this is how the Reverse-Flash learns what he knows that he uses to plague Barry & Co. during season one. Thought the episode provided a fairly decent explanation as to why the ending of the first season isn't a permanent as one would think. Rather neat spin that Barry's largest triumph against his greatest nemesis occurred during the earliest portions of his career. Gives new insight into Thawne/Wells comment that Barry would never be truly happy. Well, Patty leaves this very episode. In a way I am reminded of the time Betty Brant left Peter Parker during the early days of Amazing. Furthermore, we finally meet Hunter Zolomon! There goes the suspicion that Zoom is Earth-2 Barry as Zolomon was Zoom in the comics...

Agent Carter - The plot thickens. Peggy Carter and the gang infiltrate the all-white, gentlemen's club (no women!) that's behind the conspiracy. Now this is spy-related espionage that I wish was more prevalent in Agents of SHIELD! While I understand Howard Stark is a product of his time, he's quite a hoot because of it. We also meet the super-powered individual of the season. The heroes are definitely the underdogs...

Arrow - The show takes a break from HIVE as a criminal organization that poses as a mercenary organization is the central threat. Hey, Felicity finally receives a codename! Alas, its not Oracle but Overmind. Apparently there's already an Oracle... Andy Diggle's arc appears to reach its zenith... for now. And a member of Argus dies. A major character too.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow - The second part of the pilot was just a phenomenal as the first! The team continues their quest during the 70's and confront their nemesis Vandal Savage. Nice cameo by Damian Dahrk. The action sequences were great and several shots capture the entire team. Firestorm and nuclear bomb! Atom, Captain Cold, and Heatwave go on a burglary! Professor Martin Stein (one half of Firestorm) and White Canary flirt! Wait, what? More time-space shenanigans ensue! Legends of Tomorrow certainly lives up to roller coaster plug that its producers attributed to it. Oh by the way, a major character dies. Turns out that character's death serves as unifying force and motivation for our motley band to combat Vandal Savage and save the future.

Elementary - Since Elementary is a murder mystery show obviously someone, or two, dies. The actual mystery is more connect the dots instead of a mystery to be solved. Sherlock's attention is focused more on why his father Morlund is in town and the concealed assassination attempt. A pivotal episode more in terms the season's arc than in terms of the episode's quality.

Grimm - At last Grimm returns... and Juliette's alive! But don't fret, plenty of characters die this episode. I was reminded of several Vampire LARPs that I played in over the years as I watched this episode. The Big Bad, which we learn is called the Black Claw, of the season kicks its operations in motion. Let's just say their network is quite extensive... A pivotal episode that drastically changes the show.

X-Files - A monster-of-the-week episode. Even more, it's the tongue-in-cheek kind. My favorite. Loved the journey of Mulder from skeptic to sort-of-believer by the end of the episode. Nice twist on the classical werewolf myth. Excellent satire on modern society. Episodes such as this is why I was a fan of the X-Files in the first place.

Lucifer - Another solid episode. Lucifer displays his mojo quite a bit in this episode. There's an attempt at ironic punishment towards the end. The female lead (my apologies I'm not as good with character names as I used to be) begins to learn that there's more to Lucifer than what she believes. Ironically, Lucifer is not shy at all about revealing what he is. As a player of the World of Darkness RPGs, its a refreshing change of pace from quest to keep the supernatural secret. However, the best moment is at the end when the child mentions that with advent of the Internet that embarrassing moments aren't as secret as they once were. Absolutely hilarious.

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