Thursday, January 31, 2019
New Comic Prices Make Antique Store Prices More Amenable
Don't worry folks! Aquaman didn't just lose his hand nor was Jason Mamoa the first time Aquaman had long hair and a beard.
In fact, this is also a 'finally!' post too as I finally acquired a copy of the key issue where Arthur lost his hand!
Don't worry his hand got better. Was a long, strange trip in the most comics way possible!
Anyway, about thirty years ago, I saw a copy of Aquaman #2 on the rack at a comics shop. Ten dollars was the sticker price! The cover price was $1.50; there was no way I would ever pay that much for a back issue comic. After all, I hated the beard and the harpoon hand. About that, my disgruntlement over beard and harpoon hand, which I felt was a slap in the face of my childhood Superfriends nostalagia was overcome pretty quickly. A year or two later, I jumped aboard the tail end of Peter David's Aquaman run and bought the title until its end with the stellar Jurgens/Epting run.
Still, the thought of picking up a copy of Peter David's Aquaman #2 never dawned on me until I picked up a run bag of Aquaman comics at a used book store. Issue 2 wasn't among them. When I did see a copy there, I think it was like 20 bucks... Too rich for me.
Near where I live is an antique store, or two, or three, and you can't call it a good antique store if there are no comic books there. Needless to say, comic books are available. Lots of them.
Now, if you've ever been to antique store, the prices for the comics for the condition they are in can be a bit sketchy. Doubly so if you've been exposed to the ins and outs of comic book collecting and value as I have. Comic looks worse for wear but it's from the 70's? Think I will just write, yes I said write, $10 on the comic ITSELF. Enough to drive a collector mad. Then, there are the dealers who've actually stepped into a comics shop. Those comics are bagged. At least. You can bet they cost more than the original cover price though.
Over the years, I have become bearish on buying back issues. You're unlikely to flip for more than the cover price - if that. If you're buying them at an antique store, chances are you're buying them at price that doesn't correspond with their condition. For years, paying $4 to $10 for an issue, forget about that.
Funny thing is... new comics ARE available within those price ranges. Want to buy the latest issue of Aquaman? Four dollars, please. An annual, likely $8. Heck, I've spent ten dollars on a comic or two as well.
So I browsing through the comics in the antique store, most of them are late 80s to early 00s. Of course, there's the obligatory Silver Age comics with their high sticker prices yet they are in Good condition - at best. Those aren't the topic of this entry. If I want to read those stories, I would just buy the trade or read them digitally. Or become rich. But, I digress.
Anyway, I am browsing through 80s to early 00s comics and the nostalgia bug tingles. These are the comic books that form my early comic book collecting/reading experience. Sure, key issues are few and far between but I can't help getting a little giddy. What's more and the prices fall within that $4 - $10 range. Even, the comics that look worse for wear are drawing a hard 'NO' from me. Those that fall within the $4 - $10 range.
Why? I spend that on new comic books already. I buy A LOT. Too much, honestly. Which is also why I haven't tried to clear out the antique store... But, anyhoo... Therefore, I've become used to paying a certain cover price for a given issue. Really, doesn't matter how old the comic is or if it's not too worn. Thanks Diamond! A rant for another time...
Back to Aquaman #2. Among the trip to nostalgia lane, I find the copy pictured above. Condition? Not too bad. It's bagged so I don't know how mangled the insides are. However, the covers seem in reasonable condition. Furthermore, as long as it's readable and looks good for its age, I am happy.
Remember, how I said Aquaman #2 can cost more than $10? This copy cost me THREE DOLLARS. $3 dollars! Sure double the original cover price; but a steal compared to how much it would cost in the back issue market. Heck, it was cheaper than the new issue of Aquaman I am buying this month!
The experience has taught me two things. One, you can fill holes in your collection by visiting antique stores. Two, the old price tags no longer induce sticker shock deterring me from purchasing; because I am already spending that much on new comics.
Next time.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
WWE 205 Live 1/29/19 Thoughts
Must admit I haven't watched much WWE 205 Live since June. Heck, I've commented on here I really have not made WWE programming must-watch of late. However, this Sunday's Royal Rumble kicked off WrestleMania season. While I didn't watch much of it yet, I did catch the 30-Man Royal Rumble match. It whet my appetite for more WWE programming.
Thus, one can expect more of my thoughts on WWE's latest here. I'm not able to watch both flagship shows (Raw, Smackdown Live) live; but I was able to watch 205 Live er, live for the first time in months. Here's my thoughts:
Kalisto (with Lucha House Party) vs Mike Kanellis (with Maria)
While Maria ranted about about favoritism, Mike Kanellis dominated with stiff strikes. Much like a typical WWE match. Then, Kalisto took the lead with until a sick bump outside the ring. Match takes on a more 205 Live form after both gather their breaths on the mat. The three suplexe were cool; but not enough to prevent Kalisto rolling Kanellis for the pin. Crowd was dead most of the match. Have to agree with the crowd.
Rating: 2 out of 5 Stars
There were several promos one of which I missed as I was too busy live-blogging my thoughts on the Kalisto/Mike Kanellis match. No more live-blogging. Buddy Murphy's promo, which aired after the footage of Tony Neese's attack on Noam Dar was... meh. Also wasn't impressed too much with Daivari's promo hyping Itami's match with Tozawa either. Too be fair I haven't watched 205 Live in months...
They hype Saturday's Worlds Collide event on the Network including the rosters from both NXT rosters and 205 Live as they compete in tournament, which will allow the winner to challenge the champion of their choosing from either 205 Live, NXT, or NXT UK. Maybe I'll watch it...
There's also hype for Halftime Heat, which streams during the Super Bowl halftime. It'll be a six-man tag match starring NXT stars. If am able to I'll watch it live...
Akira Tozawa (with Brian Kendrick) vs Hideo Itami (with Ariya Daivari)
Loved the story of this match which the announcers sold as the culmination of a 2018 storyline between the idol and admirer whom were once tag partners but then soured. They really played up Tozawa as the underdog trying to prove himself against the famed Itami. Much more action in this match filled with striking, grappling, high-impact moves, and high flying moves. Both men outside the ring also gradually became more and more involved. Kendrick would encourage Tozawa by doing Tozawa's signature shout, while trying to keep Daivari honest. After several near finishes, Daivari finally succeeded in distracting Tozawa after knocking out Kendricks. Ironically, Daivari ended up becoming a distraction himself enabling the underdog Tozawa to defeat the noted Hideo Itami.
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars. A solid match to end the show and end this feud. I may've enjoyed this more if I had followed 205 Live more during 2018.
Afterwards, Ariya Daivari turns on Hideo Itami, So we know who Hideo Itami will be feuding with next! Since I am familiar with Hideo Itami as KENTA, I am more than ready to cheer him on as face. Based on the chants of 'One More Time!', the rest of the crowd may require more convincing.
Overall, it was an okay post-Royal Rumble show. It introduced Mike Kanellis to the 205 Live audience, elevated Akira Tozawa, and kicked off Hideo Itami's next feud.
Next time.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Hey, Multiclassed 5E Druids Could You Please Not Wear Metal Armor?
When I was new to Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition, I spotted a potential loophole regarding druids. Back in the old days, druids were prohibited from wearing metal armor such as plate mail. D&D 5E had a curious note regarding armor. Merely, druids choose not to wear metal armor.
One could surmise the taboo would extend to single-classes druids and those from races without armor proficiencies. What about Fighters or Paladins with heavy armor proficiency who later multiclass into druid? After all, they all ready are proficient in plate mail. A fighter-druid clad in plate mail! While in previous editions armor hindered spell-casting, Fifth edition (5E) ties unimpeded spell-casting to proficiency. If the caster is proficient in the donned armor, the caster suffers no ill effects casting spells. Ergo, there really is nothing in the rules mechanically forbidding a druid from wearing plate mail if proficient.
Wait, multi-classing is an optional rule. Must every core class account for character multi-classing into it from another class?
Okay, you've got a point there.
What about dwarven druids wearing metal armor? Mountain dwarves have a history of crafting exquisite metal items, armor among them. Not only do they craft metal armor, they wear it as well. In fact, mountain dwarves are proficient in medium so they can don quite a number of metallic armor. Granted, not plate but you get the gist.
However, someone posed the question to WotC's Jeremy Crawford, the de facto rules guru for 5E, Twitter. His answer is an emphatic no.
Neither multi-classed nor dwarven druids can wear any sort of metal armor; because of the setting of D&D. Should a druid with requisite training buck the taboo, the DM is encouraged to take DM action.
I'm old timey gamer so saying my Fighter-Druid can't wear plate mail; because druids just don't do it is enough of an excuse for me. Furthermore, enough of the DMs I play will enforce the taboo either by fiat or by imposing some form of penalty.
Still, even Paladins suffer a mechanical consequence for violating their oaths significantly enough. Why only an honor system approach to the druid?
I guess I am just grumpy that cunning rules exploit, a druid wearing plate mail, is foiled by fluff without a 'this is what happens if you break taboo'. Fifth edition expands Dungeons & Dragons in many ways.
Just don't break any of the role-play assumptions.
Happy Gaming!
Next time.
Saturday, January 5, 2019
Nuno and the Crypt of the Dark Kiss Part Two
Way, way, back on the 18th of December, I blogged my final five takeaways of 2018. Then, I concluded my 12 Blog Posts of December on the 31st by blogging Nuno and the Crypt of the Dark Kiss Part One. While I had written game session reports before, I had never included any photos from the action at the D&D gaming table before. Not the first time I've provided play-by-play of my gaming experience, while using photos to enhance my writing. Had done so as recently as when I played the board game Fury of Dracula for the first time.
However, I quickly realized while writing about Nuno and the Crypt of the Dark Kiss (yes, I am writing from my PC's perspective) was that all photos meant the writing the post would consume time.
More time than usual.
So, I decided to split it into parts. Three parts to be precise.
When we last left off, our intrepid band of adventurers were exploring the remnants of a dwarven mine in order to destroy any undead (especially vampires!) and discover the true nature of an earring discovered during a previous module in the trilogy. The firbolg nature cleric Dancer withdrew/became withdrawn (player had to leave the session), while battling some dwarven skeletons working forges. The skeletons were destroyed; and everyone returns to the room with three doors and the four muck-covered statues. During the battle, Grog overcome by his battle-lust failed didn't notice a door. Meanwhile, Nuno had forgotten all about the door during the heat of the battle.
If either had considered the door further, they may have pondered whether or not it was a side entrance to the chamber laying behind double doors...
Once back inside the original chamber...
Cast of Characters
Vladis Warlock/Wizard 10th
Grog Half- Orc Champion 6th
Striker dwarf 7th
Nuno Tortle Monk Way of Shadow 5th
We proceed to double doors with crossed battle axes emblazoned upon them. Grog's eyes light up with appreciation at the sight of the axes inscribed upon the doors. He grips his axe and proceeds to hack at the door. Meanwhile, Vladis peers over shoulder and notices the keyhole contains a lock of a quality he has never seen!
In-between swings of Grog's axe, Striker casts Knock.
There's the pop of an arcane lock being suppressed.
Needless to say, Grog continues pounding away - eventually wrecking the door.
Grog turns to Striker 'I am smart no matter what people say'.
The hacked open double doors are swung open to reveal a room full of sarcophogi. Peering across the room both Grog and Nuno note a door on the opposite end from which the forge room could be reached!
Both in unison: 'Oops!'
Seeing sarcophagi the wily Striker casts Bless on the party. The party enters room with Grog and Nuno in front. Striker and Vladis bring up the rear. No sooner do they enter when three vampire spawn, a shadow mastiff, and vampiric mist pop out from the sarcophagi!
Grog steps forward and swings twice at the vampire spawn who crawled out of the sarcophagus nearest him. His axe bites into the vampire twice! Nuno warily eyes the fearsome foes right in front of him and steps between both the vampire spawn and vampiric mist. Stabs twice with a silver dagger and only hits once. Then centering himself, he expends Qi to disengage from them moving back to casters. Striker breathing a sigh of relief once Nuno is out of the area casts Fireball on baddies!
Vladis upcasts Quickened Conjure Minor Elemental spell to summon four magmen!
Then, Vladis Eldritch Blasts the vampiric mist after his owl familiar distracts it. To our chagrin, the vampire spawn regenerate. Grog's vampire spawn claws Grog but fails to hold him within its grip! A spawn destroys a magmen ( #4) Grog saves to avoid some of the fire from the magman's explosion! Another spawn closes with Striker. The far back vampire spawn hits magman #2. Dog misses magmen#1then goes invisible. Mist floats to envelop Grog triggering Opportunity Attacks from the Magmen. Their fiery blows burn the mist away!. Grog crits spawn! Hits a second time! Then Grog action surges to hit again. The vampire spawn is destroyed! Nuno closes with spawn near Striker. After landing multiple blows, Nuno is disheartened when his Stunning strike fails. Number 1 & 3 magmen miss the dog. Magman #2 hits the vampire spawn near it. Starts aflame. Striker moves away from vampire on him provoking an opportunity attack, casting Shield to thwart a grapple attempt. The dwarf proceeds to cast lightning bolt on both the shadow mastiff and vampire spawn. There's collateral damage as #2 magman blows up from the crossfire. However, the shadow mastiff dies. We are alarmed when we notice that vampire spawn takes minor damage from the fiery explosion.
Vladis casts Phantasmal Force on the worrisome vampire spawn in response. Nuno is clawed and grappled. Bite misses. Other spawn grapples and bites Grog!
Grog strikes and crits! 22 dmg! Strikes again. Miss. Nuno misses then focuses his Qi to disengage away to move next to the casters. Magmen attack Grog's spawn. One hits.
Striker moves back and around.
Casts Lightning Bolt. A weak 17 damage. The phantasmal forced Grog-grappling vampire spawn dies. Grog isn't badly hurt by the bolt. Vladis quickens a Scorching Ray then Eldritch Blasts the remaining spawn. Spawn closes with Grog. Misses. Grog hits once. Nuno hits spawn all of his attack, twice with silver dagger and once with a kick.
Finally, the two remaining Magmen swarm the vampire spawn and both their blows slay it!
We catch our breaths and rifle through our defeated foes discovering a magical ring on the finger of the vampire spawn who was strangely resistant to fire... A Ring of Fire Resistance perhaps?
To Be Continued....
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