Thursday, October 27, 2016

H16: Marvel's Agents of Shield Ghost Rider Arc Part One

Yesterday, I covered the latest episode of The Exorcist. My third consecutive Halloween-related blog entry concerns the Ghost Rider Arc for Marvel's Agents of SHIELD's fourth season. I say arc because I wouldn't be surprised if Ghost Rider, and mystical elements, are meant to establish synergy with the upcoming Doctor Strange film while bypassing an quibbles over any actual movie ties. Ties that the MCU has clearly demonstrated to be shown on the television side only. Plus, the current tension over Inhumans leads me to believe that the Ghost Rider arc is more of a Fall Season type of thing.

Wait, why Ghost Rider arc as part of a Halloween-themed blog series, you may ask? Simple. Because, the progenitor of the Ghost Rider that we identify with today, Johnny Blaze, was part of Marvel's attempt to cash in on the monster craze of the 70's. Sure, Marvel had the rights to Dracula at the time; but GR was a means to do a supernatural hero seventies-style. Therefore, I find it quite fitting to do an arc centered on Ghost Rider as part of a Halloween-themed series. The episodes I'll be blogging about span from the premiere to the episode that aired Tuesday. Since Tuesday's episode will provide the TV Robbie Reyes' GR origin, I may do subsequent Review/Thoughts/Highlights entry on that episode as well as part of a Halloween-themed entry as depending on POV the holiday continues into either the first or second of November.

Note: My knowledge of the Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider comes from show. I have not read the comics.

As this will include notes about events from each episode, thereby SPOILERS.

S4-1: The Ghost
  • Reminded of action shows from the 90's. The cinematography is less four-color. More risqué.
  • I am totally getting Knight Rider vibe from Ghost Rider's car! The brief shot of GR is rather cool.
  • The show continues its cloak-and-dagger mood. Daisy, aka Quake, is the subject of a manhunt and appears to be getting the rap for GR's actions.
  • Holy matrix/holodeck VR!
  • It's classified! The old group is split up. Fitz is back in his Q-like, as in James Bond, role. Speaking of the show being more risqué - the tension between Mac and Yo-yo as well as Fitz (and we) first seeing Aida in the buff.
  • Speaking of Aida - the very first LMD on the show! All the interactions remind me of how the cast interacted on the show Heroes. Phil's hand can X-ray vision objects now! Color-coded security clearances - Simmons has a higher clearance than Mae.
  • The cast is keeping secrets from each other. We're introduced to what I assume is a magical box which cause people to see horrible things. Robbie works at a salvage yard where both Quake and him fight...
  • Image link AR in action! Mae's squad easily defeats a group of Chinese gangsters holding the box. There's a spectral being? GR looks cool.
  • After the ghost touches Mae she appears to ensorcelled but is shrugging it off for now.
S4-2: Meet the New Boss
  • Ghost woman does her thing on father inside what was apparently once her home. Mac believes the ghost story. After feeling like he's being watched Robbie discovers Daisy posing a high school classmate.
  • Daisy clearly has done her homework as she brings up personal details about Robbie that only someone whom went to high school with would know. Mac/Fitz go to CA to check out the father incident while Simmons/Phil help the new director lead a tour to secure funding. Mae seems to succumb momentarily as she perceives the new director as a monster! Robbie tells Quake that he made a deal with devil and vengeance is his purpose. There's more than one ghost!
  • GR and Quake fight with GR becoming the victor. Coulson spouts of SSR trivia as Mae continues to see monsters. Okay, I should probably check if it is 'Mae' or 'May'. For ease I'll use 'May'. The Chinese gang leader repeatedly bashes his head against the containment cube's wall when May questions him. Daisy mentions a Chinese-watchdog connection to GR but he's ignorant. He abruptly leaves upon hearing about an energy lab. Daisy quakes free of her bonds and quake leaps onto his car. GR shakes her loose when the car flames.
  • New director speaks in a manic fashion. Kind of like the 2nd Doctor. Mac has an axe-gun! All of a sudden the reactor starts to overheat while Fitz and Mac are within the room. A ghost traps Mac within the reactor as May goes beserk on Coulson and her squad.
  • After she quickly makes work of them, the new director shrugs off her attacks as if they are nothing and subdues her. GR saves Fitz from the ghost and destroys it while Quake frees Mac and Fitz prevents the reactor from blowing. Mac deduces that Quake has been receiving stolen bone-healing medicine from Yo-yo. After jokingly taking a photo op he tells Phil that his power source origin is classified. Daisy and GR team up at the end.
Wowsers! That took more work than I thought! A second part covering episodes 3 - 5 will come later. For the curious, my goal is to do a daily Halloween-themed blog entry until Halloween/All Saint's Day/All Souls Day. So a new entry should come tomorrow.

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