Friday, I blogged about receiving my copy of the now-defunct Robotech RPG Tactics from Palladium Books and my liberation of the box from the parcel from which it arrived in. At the time, I wasn't sure when I'd blog the snapshots of the unboxing.
For posterity sake and so folks could see what the inside of pristine box looks like.
Saturday night I could resist no longer.
The inner box has artwork!
The rulebook both front and back including a base for something I have no clue yet.
What the box looked like when I opened the box. They weren't kidding about assembly needed!
Other odds and ends.
Must confess I have no clue when I will assemble the figures. Ever.
My hobby as a modeler ended once I moved from snap on models to those requiring glue. Any models I helped create either required assistance or looked off.
However, never say never. Perhaps one day they'll be assembled! Probably not this year though...
Does this rule out my playing a game of Robotech RPG Tactics (RRT)? Not quite. I can use the bases provided as stand ins like when uses dice and other objects instead of minis while playing a table-top role-playing game. Furthermore, I am unlikely to acquire any of Wave One not included within the set nor the never released Wave Two. Yet I can play with those factions.
How so? Well, Palladium released the stats for the Wave Two mecha along paper minis for free. Before Palladium pulled them from Drive Thru RPG, I "ordered" the freebies. While I haven't downloaded any of the faction cards and paper minis from Drive Thru yet, past experience with expired license products is that purchases remain available to you. Fingers crossed, that'll hold true as well once I check...
So yes, one day, I will play a game of RRT whether it be with paper minis or with imagined mecha. You can understand why if the latter why no pics will be provided in any future blog entries...
Thus ends my unboxing (via snapshots) of Robotech RPG Tactics!
Happy Gaming!
Next time.