For some, 2018 is here. For me 2017 is almost over, while for others 2017 will last a little longer. Regardless a New Year is upon us.
I was going to provide a Top 5 or Top 10 blog entries of 2017, but I am not quite sure what criteria to use! None received any comments. Sure, I could consult Google Analytics; but how many were hits generated from actual readers? Furthermore, timing is everything. Some entries received more attention than others due to luck of the draw.
A couple that I will highlight was the two that pertained to the old Fox Kids (Spider-Man, Spider-Man Unlimited, X-Men) shows plus Iron Man Armored Avenger and X-Men Evolution and whether they were leaving Hulu or not. As fate would have it, those vintage Marvel cartoons only remained for a month longer than when notice was originally given. Since that time, it was announce Disney would buy a ton of Fox properties including an additional 30% stake in Hulu. So will those cartoons return to Hulu, be reserved for the Disney's announced streaming service, or both? Guess time will tell.
A New Year means New Year's Resolutions! Here are 10 comic strips from GoComics concerning the annual promises! You can read them here.
Those strips basically sum up my approach to New Year's Resolutions this year. So you failed your 2017 resolution didn't you, Matt? Sigh, I didn't read anywhere as much as I intended to read when I made that resolution. Old new habits are hard to break.
So I wouldn't call these New Years Resolutions per se as they're mainly things I want to do but I won't cry if I don't.
- Read more. Yes, yes, that was last year's resolution. Some folks pledge to exercise, I plan to read more.
- Read more comic strips. A little more redundant but I consider reading strips very light pleasure reading, which I've ignored because I've been reading news instead.
- GoComics and DailyInk - Signed up for premium membership of GoComics about a month ago. Just have to get back into the habit of reading the strips. As for DailyInk (King Features Sydicate's version of GoComics), I plan on subscribing tomorrow. Yep, as of January 1st, I will finally get a subscription. May even cover the Amazing Spider-Man newspaper strip.
- Watch Royal Rumble and WrestleMania. Missed last years. Would like to see this years. Still up in the air about subscribing to the WWE Network though...
- A Britbox account - going through some British TV and Doctor Who withdrawal. However, it is another streaming service. So who knows? Okay, that is rather punny.
- Learn how to include cover images on this blog. Since I've taken the plunge and started inserted videos, there's no reason not to include cover images for any comic book reviews I may do. Just need to learn how...
Happy New Year 2018!