Months ago, I was inspired to do a couple entries (via lists) on rules differences between Shadowrun, 5th Edition and earlier editions. By earlier editions, I mean third edition as that was the edition that I played/ran/knew the most. Rather than present them as lists demonstrating rules differences, I am going to present them more as individual concepts. First up is...
The shielding metamagic technique in 3rd and earlier editions was very cool and became even cooler the further the PC initiated. Basically, added spell defense and higher target numbers with each initiation. Those protected via Shielding by a magician with several levels of initiation could be very difficult to affect!
Unfortunately, Fifth Edition, by virtue of its mechanics, weakens the Shielding Metamagic greatly. It only adds to spell defense. Granted, SR5 uses a threshold, single target number system so because target numbers couldn't be affected, dice pools would. Which would make Shielding much, much more stronger in 5th than prior editions. Instead, it's weaker. Don't recall if metamagic foci existed in 3rd, but I suppose a foci to boost up one's Shielding sort of balances that out by adding more dice. However, a Shielding Foci requires a greater Karma expenditure not to mention to Availability Test/purchase. Plus, Foci just lead to larger handfuls of dice.
In conclusion, Shielding is not as cool as it used to be. Instead of potentially blocking spells from affecting those protected, ie shielding, it's just more spell defense dice.
Adulthood Is a Gift! by Sarah Andersen
8 hours ago
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