Two, or is it three, significant events occurred, are occurring, and will occur this week in the world of comics and table-top role-playing games. The UK Sci-Fi weekly comics 2000 AD marked an historic achievement in the annals of comic books on Wednesday. Saturday, October 1st, is Dave Arneson Day, which celebrates one of the founders of Dungeons & Dragons. Commemorating the event is, I believe, the first ever Blackmoor week - the setting that is Arneson's signature creation.
Dave Arneson Day
Other than acknowledging the event with this post, sadly, I have no plans. Didn't play any Dungeons & Dragons on Monday and may not play it next Monday - Shadowrun, 5th edition was/is the RPG. Even then, D&D 5E is in many respects very, very different from the Original D&D that Arneson had a hand in. Perhaps on Saturday, I'll provide a review, or the start of one, on ODD itself or the Blackmoor expansion?
Blackmoor week
Another call to attention. Not doing anything pertaining to Blackmoor although here's some posts by day pertaining to the setting, how people are celebrating, and their games:
Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4. Quite a bit! Suppose there is always reading what others have written!
2000 AD
As I mentioned above, the veteran UK milestone reached an historic milestone this Wednesday: the release of its 2000th issue. One, its neat and a bit of pun since 2000 is in the name. Two, no other comic book that I am aware of has reached 2000 issues. Yes, that's right. 2000 issues! For one title. Quite an accomplishment. Furthermore, what separates this event from the other two is active, sort of, engagement. I ordered a copy of the 2000th issue of 2000 AD. In fact, 2016 marked the year where I finally decided to order the packs for an entire year starting with the January pack (issues). Just have to read them ha ha. Oh, since I live across the pond, I won't be receiving my copy until next month.
Oh you're not familiar with 2000 AD? Well, it's the home of characters such as Judge Dredd... Oh fudge these articles can explain far better than I can:
The Top Twelve Series/Characters - besides Judge Dredd, here's eleven characters/series that would surely have (if they have not had yet) movies made of them provided the Dredd movies fared better at the Box Office.
Editors Tell Top Stories - Want to know which stories from 2000 AD's 2000 issues deserve a read? The editors provide some recommendations.
Until next time, happy gaming and reading!
Adulthood Is a Gift! by Sarah Andersen
8 hours ago
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