Months ago, I was inspired to do a couple entries (via lists) on rules differences between Shadowrun, 5th Edition and earlier editions. By earlier editions, I mean third edition as that was the edition that I played/ran/knew the most. Rather than present them as lists demonstrating rules differences, I am going to present them more as individual concepts. First up is...
The shielding metamagic technique in 3rd and earlier editions was very cool and became even cooler the further the PC initiated. Basically, added spell defense and higher target numbers with each initiation. Those protected via Shielding by a magician with several levels of initiation could be very difficult to affect!
Unfortunately, Fifth Edition, by virtue of its mechanics, weakens the Shielding Metamagic greatly. It only adds to spell defense. Granted, SR5 uses a threshold, single target number system so because target numbers couldn't be affected, dice pools would. Which would make Shielding much, much more stronger in 5th than prior editions. Instead, it's weaker. Don't recall if metamagic foci existed in 3rd, but I suppose a foci to boost up one's Shielding sort of balances that out by adding more dice. However, a Shielding Foci requires a greater Karma expenditure not to mention to Availability Test/purchase. Plus, Foci just lead to larger handfuls of dice.
In conclusion, Shielding is not as cool as it used to be. Instead of potentially blocking spells from affecting those protected, ie shielding, it's just more spell defense dice.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
2000 AD 2000th Milestone, Blackmoor Week, and Dave Arneson Day
Two, or is it three, significant events occurred, are occurring, and will occur this week in the world of comics and table-top role-playing games. The UK Sci-Fi weekly comics 2000 AD marked an historic achievement in the annals of comic books on Wednesday. Saturday, October 1st, is Dave Arneson Day, which celebrates one of the founders of Dungeons & Dragons. Commemorating the event is, I believe, the first ever Blackmoor week - the setting that is Arneson's signature creation.
Dave Arneson Day
Other than acknowledging the event with this post, sadly, I have no plans. Didn't play any Dungeons & Dragons on Monday and may not play it next Monday - Shadowrun, 5th edition was/is the RPG. Even then, D&D 5E is in many respects very, very different from the Original D&D that Arneson had a hand in. Perhaps on Saturday, I'll provide a review, or the start of one, on ODD itself or the Blackmoor expansion?
Blackmoor week
Another call to attention. Not doing anything pertaining to Blackmoor although here's some posts by day pertaining to the setting, how people are celebrating, and their games:
Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4. Quite a bit! Suppose there is always reading what others have written!
2000 AD
As I mentioned above, the veteran UK milestone reached an historic milestone this Wednesday: the release of its 2000th issue. One, its neat and a bit of pun since 2000 is in the name. Two, no other comic book that I am aware of has reached 2000 issues. Yes, that's right. 2000 issues! For one title. Quite an accomplishment. Furthermore, what separates this event from the other two is active, sort of, engagement. I ordered a copy of the 2000th issue of 2000 AD. In fact, 2016 marked the year where I finally decided to order the packs for an entire year starting with the January pack (issues). Just have to read them ha ha. Oh, since I live across the pond, I won't be receiving my copy until next month.
Oh you're not familiar with 2000 AD? Well, it's the home of characters such as Judge Dredd... Oh fudge these articles can explain far better than I can:
The Top Twelve Series/Characters - besides Judge Dredd, here's eleven characters/series that would surely have (if they have not had yet) movies made of them provided the Dredd movies fared better at the Box Office.
Editors Tell Top Stories - Want to know which stories from 2000 AD's 2000 issues deserve a read? The editors provide some recommendations.
Until next time, happy gaming and reading!
Dave Arneson Day
Other than acknowledging the event with this post, sadly, I have no plans. Didn't play any Dungeons & Dragons on Monday and may not play it next Monday - Shadowrun, 5th edition was/is the RPG. Even then, D&D 5E is in many respects very, very different from the Original D&D that Arneson had a hand in. Perhaps on Saturday, I'll provide a review, or the start of one, on ODD itself or the Blackmoor expansion?
Blackmoor week
Another call to attention. Not doing anything pertaining to Blackmoor although here's some posts by day pertaining to the setting, how people are celebrating, and their games:
Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4. Quite a bit! Suppose there is always reading what others have written!
2000 AD
As I mentioned above, the veteran UK milestone reached an historic milestone this Wednesday: the release of its 2000th issue. One, its neat and a bit of pun since 2000 is in the name. Two, no other comic book that I am aware of has reached 2000 issues. Yes, that's right. 2000 issues! For one title. Quite an accomplishment. Furthermore, what separates this event from the other two is active, sort of, engagement. I ordered a copy of the 2000th issue of 2000 AD. In fact, 2016 marked the year where I finally decided to order the packs for an entire year starting with the January pack (issues). Just have to read them ha ha. Oh, since I live across the pond, I won't be receiving my copy until next month.
Oh you're not familiar with 2000 AD? Well, it's the home of characters such as Judge Dredd... Oh fudge these articles can explain far better than I can:
The Top Twelve Series/Characters - besides Judge Dredd, here's eleven characters/series that would surely have (if they have not had yet) movies made of them provided the Dredd movies fared better at the Box Office.
Editors Tell Top Stories - Want to know which stories from 2000 AD's 2000 issues deserve a read? The editors provide some recommendations.
Until next time, happy gaming and reading!
Friday, September 23, 2016
SRM5: Is the Street Shaman Template Correct?
Back when I was calibrating my Shadowrun Missions character, Nox the human combat mage, I discovered the template within core rule book was not correct as the template was missing material. Was my intention that I would perform further analysis of each template to see if it is correct. Since my next Shadowrun Missions session is this Monday I figured it's time for another installment.
The template in question: The Street Shaman
Disclaimer: as the current Shadowrun Missions campaign is located in Chicago which has a background count starting at a 2 rating, I certainly would not play a full magician that has Magic Rating of 3. Since the Street Shaman template has a heavy Seattle-flavor, I'd play it there. That said, it does serve as an excellent example of what a high attribute, high skill elf full magician would look like.
Magic: A Magic Rating of 3? Rating C.
Race: D
Attributes: They add up to priority code A nicely.
Skills: This is where it gets tricky. It's more than what B provides, which meant Karma was spent. However, the skill group total means that priority code B was used.
Resources: E. Uh, yeah, the template has way more than what's listed. Meaning karma was spent. How much? Let's examine everything else.
Qualities: There's a positive imbalance of one point of qualities. Otherwise, positive qualities equal negative qualities. So one point of Karma was spent.
Karma purchases: Other than the one point spent on Positive Qualities, some karma was spent on skills, resources, and contacts. Instead of using a calculator, I estimate 5 Karma was spent on qualities and contacts. Alas, skill advancement at this state follows regular character advancement so I'm guessing 10 Karma here. Finally, just to be on the safe side, I assume another ten Karma was spent to bump up Resources. Again, if you want to be exactly sure how everything is allocated, a calculator is required when figuring out resources and skills total due to Karma expenditure. As characters can start with a small amount of leftover karma, it probably would be wise to.
Verdict: Complete - unlike the Combat Mage in template in the SRM5 Core book, the Street Shaman template is fully completed and playable along the front. Based on estimation, the character appears correctly built. Barring my concerns expressed above, the Street Shaman does fulfill the objective of a template - a pre-generated character ready to be played.
The template in question: The Street Shaman
Disclaimer: as the current Shadowrun Missions campaign is located in Chicago which has a background count starting at a 2 rating, I certainly would not play a full magician that has Magic Rating of 3. Since the Street Shaman template has a heavy Seattle-flavor, I'd play it there. That said, it does serve as an excellent example of what a high attribute, high skill elf full magician would look like.
Magic: A Magic Rating of 3? Rating C.
Race: D
Attributes: They add up to priority code A nicely.
Skills: This is where it gets tricky. It's more than what B provides, which meant Karma was spent. However, the skill group total means that priority code B was used.
Resources: E. Uh, yeah, the template has way more than what's listed. Meaning karma was spent. How much? Let's examine everything else.
Qualities: There's a positive imbalance of one point of qualities. Otherwise, positive qualities equal negative qualities. So one point of Karma was spent.
Karma purchases: Other than the one point spent on Positive Qualities, some karma was spent on skills, resources, and contacts. Instead of using a calculator, I estimate 5 Karma was spent on qualities and contacts. Alas, skill advancement at this state follows regular character advancement so I'm guessing 10 Karma here. Finally, just to be on the safe side, I assume another ten Karma was spent to bump up Resources. Again, if you want to be exactly sure how everything is allocated, a calculator is required when figuring out resources and skills total due to Karma expenditure. As characters can start with a small amount of leftover karma, it probably would be wise to.
Verdict: Complete - unlike the Combat Mage in template in the SRM5 Core book, the Street Shaman template is fully completed and playable along the front. Based on estimation, the character appears correctly built. Barring my concerns expressed above, the Street Shaman does fulfill the objective of a template - a pre-generated character ready to be played.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Star Trek 50th Anniversary Part One?
On September 9th, 1966, the very first episode of Star Trek was broadcast. Last Friday marks the 50th anniversary of the phenomenon. Originally, I meant to blog about the milestone last weekend but the best laid plans of mice and men... This is what I hope is my first installment celebrating 50 years of starship Enterprise and the Federation. I say hope because I still haven't finished my Dark Horse Comics celebration... In any case, I'll kick it off commenting on several links discussing the celebration or things related to Trek.
Star Trek Discovery Delayed? - The Star Trek franchise deserves to be done right so I'm fine with them giving themselves some extra time to hone the special effects. Although to be fair, I'm neutral about the exact time Discovery airs. Streaming hour long shows, let alone an entire season, simply isn't an option for me. So I hope the newest Trek winds up on DVD at some point. However, based on the fact Daredevil hasn't yet, doesn't leave with much hope... Hmm, what would Roddenberry think? What the hope and all... Okay, bad joke...
Discovery Comic and Novel Tie-ins - Guess, it's official there will be comic book and novel tie-ins for the new show Star Trek Discovery. As if there was ever any doubt. May actually be my first exposure to the characters from the new show. Thought the same about the Peter Capaldi Doctor Who and was wrong about that...
Star Trek Anniversary Trailer - Here's an incredible trailer, which celebrates fifty years of Star Trek with scenes from the various Star Trek movies (Original, Next Gen, and Abrams-verse). Worth seeing.
Star Trek Does Lovecraft - Never really thought of the Best of Both Worlds, simply one of the best TNG stories ever, as Lovecraftian in tone. Part of that may be I had yet to be introduced to the works of HP Lovecraft at the time. The other being that may have seen Best of Both Worlds I and II as reruns and thus the Borg were not unknowns and could be defeated. Then again, I watched a lot, and I do mean a lot, of TNG with a span of years so episode chronology is fuzzy with me. Will say the Lovecraft, and Clive Bark Hellraiser-esque, overtones will certainly lead me to view the story from a different perspective.
A Not So Spectacular Celebration? - Here's a piece elaborating that both CBS and Paramount dropped the ball on celebrating 50 years of Trek. Go on read it. Okay, done? I'm inclined to agree. Other than Star Trek Beyond, which wasn't marketed as an anniversary film, the announcement of Star Trek Discovery, and several celebratory magazine specials (TV Guide, Time, Entertainment Weekly, Star Trek magazine, etc.), one may not have know that 2016 marked Star Treks fiftieth year of existence. I suppose as the article alluded to that just enough was offered to Trek fans (I know longer know the proper fan term, is it Trekkies or Trekkers now?) to give hope.
Hope. The one word that defines Star Trek from all other sci-fi franchises. Hope that more movies will come. Hope that once more a Star Trek show will grace our screens. Hope that more comics, novel, and other tie-in merchandise will continue to satisfy our fandom. Hope that I'll actually get to watch Star Trek Discovery. Finally, hope that this blog entry will not be sole entry celebrating Trek's 50 years.
Star Trek Discovery Delayed? - The Star Trek franchise deserves to be done right so I'm fine with them giving themselves some extra time to hone the special effects. Although to be fair, I'm neutral about the exact time Discovery airs. Streaming hour long shows, let alone an entire season, simply isn't an option for me. So I hope the newest Trek winds up on DVD at some point. However, based on the fact Daredevil hasn't yet, doesn't leave with much hope... Hmm, what would Roddenberry think? What the hope and all... Okay, bad joke...
Discovery Comic and Novel Tie-ins - Guess, it's official there will be comic book and novel tie-ins for the new show Star Trek Discovery. As if there was ever any doubt. May actually be my first exposure to the characters from the new show. Thought the same about the Peter Capaldi Doctor Who and was wrong about that...
Star Trek Anniversary Trailer - Here's an incredible trailer, which celebrates fifty years of Star Trek with scenes from the various Star Trek movies (Original, Next Gen, and Abrams-verse). Worth seeing.
Star Trek Does Lovecraft - Never really thought of the Best of Both Worlds, simply one of the best TNG stories ever, as Lovecraftian in tone. Part of that may be I had yet to be introduced to the works of HP Lovecraft at the time. The other being that may have seen Best of Both Worlds I and II as reruns and thus the Borg were not unknowns and could be defeated. Then again, I watched a lot, and I do mean a lot, of TNG with a span of years so episode chronology is fuzzy with me. Will say the Lovecraft, and Clive Bark Hellraiser-esque, overtones will certainly lead me to view the story from a different perspective.
A Not So Spectacular Celebration? - Here's a piece elaborating that both CBS and Paramount dropped the ball on celebrating 50 years of Trek. Go on read it. Okay, done? I'm inclined to agree. Other than Star Trek Beyond, which wasn't marketed as an anniversary film, the announcement of Star Trek Discovery, and several celebratory magazine specials (TV Guide, Time, Entertainment Weekly, Star Trek magazine, etc.), one may not have know that 2016 marked Star Treks fiftieth year of existence. I suppose as the article alluded to that just enough was offered to Trek fans (I know longer know the proper fan term, is it Trekkies or Trekkers now?) to give hope.
Hope. The one word that defines Star Trek from all other sci-fi franchises. Hope that more movies will come. Hope that once more a Star Trek show will grace our screens. Hope that more comics, novel, and other tie-in merchandise will continue to satisfy our fandom. Hope that I'll actually get to watch Star Trek Discovery. Finally, hope that this blog entry will not be sole entry celebrating Trek's 50 years.
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