As August dawns, I figured I'd catch up on all the news and unveilings from SDCC 2016. There will be much geeking out:
Note: I won't include any of the trailers as I figure most will have seen or will see them.
Justice League: In one trailer, everything that BvS:DoJ did wrong was remedied. There was comedy. DC long held the reputation as the place where its super-heroes got along. I got that vibe. Based on the trailer, watching Batman assemble the heroes should be a hoot. Loved the music. Finally, as a DC fan, I am not looking forward to Justice League simply because it's the Justice League. My inner child who watched the Super Friends while playing with Super Powers toys is delighted.
Doctor Strange Trailer #2: I'm even more excited for this film than I was before! The purist within me accepts the changes. Still not sure whom all the characters are aside from the Ancient One and Strange. Based on my guesses, Wong is now no longer Asian and wields magic and Baron Mordo is nuts...
Flash Season 3 Trailer: Flashpoint it is! Looking forward to seeing Wally as Kid Flash (or should we say Flash). We'll probably see more of the real Reverse-Flash than we've ever had before. Is Dr. Alchemy the Big Bad? Something tells me Barry won't like this new world...
Jim Gordon assuming an iconic DC Character ID: You can read about it HERE. Gotham has shaken Bat-mythos enough that Gordon could become any character. GordonBatman would be quite a twist. I'd find it rather hilarious if Jim Gordon was the first Batman. Would fit the show too as Jim Gordon had been playing that role anyway - albeit not as effectively. He could also be The Question or The Vigilante.
Kurt Russel is playing Star-Lord's Dad. It's Ego the Living Planet?! For those that want to read the news, one can do so HERE. Hmmm, I'll reserve judgment until I watch GotG 2.
A Captain Power reboot series! Absolutely loved this show as kid! Consider me excited. Here's some info about it HERE. Don't know what was mentioned at the con though...
80's-style He-Man Cartoon aired at the Con: Details HERE. Con goers got to see a brief He-Man short done in the old Filmation style. He-Man is another childhood favorite of mine; and I have many fond memories of watching the Filmation show as a kid. Would loved to have seen it the con. May have to check out on Google Play some day...
Ghost Rider on Agents of SHIELD - Well, we now know the next Marvel character to appear on Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. It's Ghost Rider! For those whom want to take a gander at which one and the vehicle itself, can do so HERE. And its... the All-New Ghost Rider... The one with the car... The one I don't know so much about. Well, at least, I won't have any preconceptions...
Richard Ryder is Back! - That's right, the original Nova has returned! Apparently, Marvel decided to what I had guessed about the current Marvel book back when it was previewed: pair Richard Ryder with new Nova, Sam. You can read the story itself HERE. May continue to buy the book now.
More IDW/DC crossovers: Recently, Batman and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles teamed up. They'll do so again except this time it'll be the TAS and Nick versions. Cool. Cool. Also there'll be sequel to Green Lantern/Star Trek: Spectrum War. Also, cool. Future trades! Here's a link.
Ragman on Arrow!: For pics and sizzle reel for Arrow Season 5, here's a link. Ragman was among my favorites from the short-lived series Shadowpact. Loved how he was more of street-level Spectre. Judging by the pictures, the Ragman's depiction is faithful to the comics although it must be tough to translate the character from the comics to the screen. As for the sizzle reel itself, I am as pumped as I am for the Flash. Should be neat watching Ollie train a new batch. Wonder how long they'll last though before the old crew returns...
Justice League Dark - JL Dark adaptation to animated movie is finally upon us. Plus Matt Ryan reprises the role of Consantine! One can check out a video discussing the movie HERE.
Unlike previous years, I didn't pay too much to SDCC this year. I'm sure I missed plenty of news and unveilings. Oh well. They'll be new for me when the next round of Con Coverage occurs!
Quote of the Week: I Say, I Mean, I Say, What?
8 hours ago
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