Thursday, March 30, 2017

SR5: Not the Same Mana/Stunbolt

Believe I've said this before, but I'll say it again. I started playing Shadowrun and understanding the magic rules with Third Edition. Recently, I played my ninth session of Shadowrun using the fifth edition rules playing a magician.

The Fifth Edition stunbolt-manabolt-manaball-stunball isn't your daddy's stunbolt-manabolt-manaball-stunball!

Pardon the hyberbole but SR5 direct combat spells are not like the way they were in third (and probably previous) edition.

The magician isn't likely to drop a single opponent let alone a group of opponents with a powerful stunbolt or stunball. Part of that is because SR5 doesn't use damage codes so there's no deadly damage to resist. Granted, the silver lining is the magician doesn't have to worry about the drain of spell knocking the caster out!

However, a major reason the magician was dangerous in earlier editions was because the magician could cast a direct combat spell at a power level that most opponents couldn't resist most of the damage. In SR5, direct damage spells will at best deal the Force of the spell in damage with the advantage being that the defender has only body or willpower to resist. One nice thing about SR5 is that a spell's Force means more whereas in the editions I recall the Force really only affected the difficulty resist damage/drain.

Since I am referencing the direct combat spells that target Willpower, the SR5 equivalents are more effective against magicians than their 3rd edition counterparts. In SR3, a magician really didn't lop a stunbolt off against an opposing magician expecting much in success. SR5 magicians have as much of a reason to fear the manabolt as the Street Samurai.

While SR5 manabolts won't take out an opponent, it has a very good chance of damaging any opponent - magicians included. Instead of being the fearsome opponent of taking out opponents at the risk of knocking oneself out with a single spell, SR5 direct combat spells are virtual damage dealer. Unless of course, you don't receive enough hits, that is, chummer.

Till next time, happy gaming!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Interesting News: March 2017

Back during January, I did an installment of 'interesting news', which was a collection of links I found of interest. Never did do a part two although my Rebirth entry included some of what I would have included. As March comes to close, I figured I'd do a March installment. While much of it will be from March, I may include links to comics, role-playing, games, and wrestling news stories as far back as January. Or until I get tired as I am blogging stream-of-conscious and all...

Classic D&D modules return! - Tales of the Yawning Portal whetting your appetite for classic Dungeons & Dragons modules? The classic modules not enough but want 5E stats as well? Well, if you checked out the link, Goodman and WotC are collaborating to do exactly that in glorious hardcover editions. Really hope these are available at FLGCS everywhere because I want 'em!

Marvel's Generations - Okay, the concept of Marvel's Generations has me intrigued - 10 rookie heroes partnered (somehow) with the hero that inspired them has the potential to be a groundbreaking work. Would be cool if Alex Ross provided the art but don't think that will happen. Don't think any resurrections (Logan, Bruce, Mar-Vell) will occur or last but I may be wrong. As Secret Empire will be raging, I may wait for the trade instead. Although, my attitude toward the series may change by then...

Shutter lens Spidey-eyes! - There will be limited number of emotive shutter lenses for a Spider-Man mask for any cosplay based on the CA: Civil War movie costume! Pretty cool to see them work. Would be cool if more were made in the future.

On the chances of MCU crossovers - Alas, it took the actor of the Falcon to point out explicitly why we haven't seen crossovers between the Marvel television series and films: they are different divisions. Rather sad that none of the heads of both departments could not be a frank with fans. Maybe we'll get an Agents of SHIELD/Inhumans/Defenders crossover someday?

Deadpool 2 Teaser - Did you see the movie Logan? Remember the Deadpool 2 teaser? Thought that it was just for fun and whet one's appetite? Well, you're correct.

100 episodes of The Walking Dead! - When The Walking Dead premiered, I didn't think the show would reach 100 episodes. As I am a couple seasons behind, I didn't know the series will soon reach such a milestone! Like the article writer suggests I bet the next arc is "All Out War!" Would be cool if the show ran another 100 episodes though.

Disney Afternoon 8-bit games return! - I grew up watching the Disney Afternoon block. The NES game DuckTales is one of those games I always wanted to play but never played enough of. As such I eagerly anticipate having the chance to play the DuckTales, Chip 'N' Dale's Rescue Rangers, and Talespin 8-bit games on my PC!

Christian-Angle-Dory Funk Jr-Jeff Hardy - Here's a nice little picture of wrestling history showing Kurt Angle, Christian, and Jeff Hardy being trained by the legendary Dory Funk Jr.

Frank Oz on ABC Muppets Failure - I stopped watching the latest iteration of The Muppets because it felt... off.  The mockumentary format just didn't click for me. In that, I agree with Frank Oz. As for "purity", I had no problem with the adult tones. The muppets weren't very likeable though.

Warpath or Thunderbird on X-men the show? - Well, it seems either John or James Proudstar (aka Thunderbird and Warpath) may be in the upcoming X-men television show. That would be cool although I am concerned about the use of the name 'Sam'. I suppose I would also prefer James (aka Thunderbird II/Warpath) to be the Proudstar in question as I can more easily see him leading such an underground group. Plus think of the eventual comic book tie-ins...

Jean Grey Deleted Scene - There will apparently be a deleted scene in the Logan blu-ray referencing Jean Grey.

Hugh Jackman and Wolverine Mask - Haha! Here's a humorous picture of Hugh Jackman holding a Wolverine mask.

Christopher Daniels Interview - a nice brief interview with the new Ring of Honor World Champion Christopher Daniels. Forgot about his comics collaboration!

Bully Ray on his RoH appearance - I was pleasantly surprised to find out that wrestler Bully Ray appeared in Ring of Honor. Here's the man's words on what he thinks of the RoH product and what he hopes to bring to it. Think he'll bring much to the RoH product

Logan movie influences? - Here's a list of 15 movies that may very well have served as influences for the movie Logan.

Till next time.

Friday, March 10, 2017

RPG Rule/Sourcebook Reading Epiphany

Talk about back-to-back epiphanies! Yesterday, I blogged about my epiphany in accepting $3.99 comics. Well, earlier today I had another concerning reading table-top role-playing game rule books and source books.

Back during my Golden Age of Table-top RPG gaming, I would avidly buy and borrow tomes of gaming lore for a variety of game systems and settings to peruse the contents within. Didn't matter if was actively playing the game or not. If fact, not was more often the case, and like a gaming Prometheus I would, occasionally like Sisyphus try to, introduce those new games and settings to various gaming groups. Admittedly, much of my success hinged on how well I learned the rules and settings and whether or not it fit that particular group's tastes...

Then came the Dark Age when I barely gamed at all. My RPG purchases became more sporadic and impulsive not to mention, following the trend of the industry, more digital. While I have embraced digital, I am at heart a lover of physical books so I don't pore over the digital tomes as much as I did the ink-and-paper variety. Furthermore, as I gamed very infrequently, I read infrequently too.

Then I started gaming again.

First, it was Dungeons & Dragons 5E. I bought the three core books and the Ravenloft-related one. Other than quick glances at the DMG and Monstrous Manual and skimming Curse of Strahd, the only book I have read was the Player's Handbook. What reading I've done has been utilitarian at best. Reading only the most pertinent of subjects. My most recent play experience I decided to play my Cleric instead of my Paladin because my cleric was the one I was most up-to-date on! So yeah, I haven't read all of the 5E Player's Handbook. I read more of 4E's version...

Second, I LARP'd Werewolf: The Apocalypse again. Granted, it was only once. But once was enough to get me to not go 'oh larp is this weekend, oh, okay, I won't be there.' Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to LARP again but it has been enough to get me to buy By Night Studios new MET: Werewolf The Apocalypse. Did a quick once over too. Alas, since I haven't actually made a firm commitment to play, I haven't perused the new rules further. Let alone created a character.

Third, Shadowrun entered my life once more. Shadowrun 5th edition core was a book I picked up on a whim. Did a quick once over yet didn't start reading it until I started play Shadowrun as part of Shadowrun Missions. Here's where the epiphany comes in...

Before each session I would read a little of the Shadowrun book and then read another section afterwards. Much of the time I'd peruse the same section in order to gain familiarity. Mostly, SR5 would receive the most usage, not counting at game, within the week after a game. Specific rule elements that cropped up during a session would induce interest such that I would seek greater familiarity and knowledge. Then, there was a period of about two months during which no Shadowrun was played. I barely cracked open the book. Going into the session, I couldn't even muster the desire to skim the book the freshen up my rule knowledge.

After the session, the Shadowrun 5th edition core rulebook practically became my favorite book. I found a little time each day to do a little reading. Whether it was fluff, simple mechanics, or areas of the rules that we hadn't encountered until then, I poured over said tome in search of answers to questions and immerse myself within the setting once more.

So I have come to the conclusion that what once I would do leisurely, I now do utilitarian. I realize now that only read what immediately relates to my gaming experience. Whether or not it's more of a symptom of my long gaming drought and such narrow focus will eventually be expanded to games and settings that I am currently not playing remains to be discovered. What I understand now is that in order read game rulebooks and settings, I must game.

Till next time, happy gaming.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

DC Rebirth: How I Came To Accept $3.99 Comics

When I first learnt that DC was raising cover prices I was enraged. Based on my experiences with Marvel, I assumed it was the popular titles, which ship twice a month, that were being bumped up to $3.99. The decision to drop specific DC Rebirth titles from my buying habits were not yet made. By that point, I had gone back on my decision to only buy the monthly titles due to skepticism over reading a twice-a-month title. Back in January, I was buying virtually every DC Rebirth title. So believing that those same twice-a-month titles would jump in price irked me.

Upon reading this story HERE, I discovered I was wrong and my cynicism was misplaced. It wasn't the popular twice-a-month, the bulk of line group of books being bumped up to $3.99. It was the 15 or so monthly titles that were experiencing price increase. Plus, those same titles would include a digital codes similar to Marvel's old system.

While I avidly purchased Marvel's All-New, All-Different books, I never took advantage of the digital codes. As such I was unfamiliar with what was being proposed. THIS story here explained Marvel's old digital code policy as well as the price increase probably serving to boost the profitability of the monthly and presumably less popular books.

Over the years, I have come to believe that increased price points rarely lead to increased longevity of a title. Maybe in the short term but unless the book's popularity spikes, rarely long-term. However, the digital codes could have potential. Perhaps the digital codes could expand readership? An avid Rebirth purchaser such as myself would be more willing to part with issue via the back issue market as I would then own a digital copy? The latter question begs further exploration on my part. Maybe.

But the major reason why I accept the $3.99 price point for Rebirth titles is because the twice-shipping titles are still $2.99. Once I realized that most of my anger vanished. Then came acceptance. After all, Marvel's titles have been $3.99 for quite some time.

Hey, doesn't Marvel ship titles twice a month too?

Why yes. Oh wait, I have been buying some of those titles too. They sell at $3.99 a copy. Twice a month.

As such when DC eventually raises its twice-a-month books to $3.99, while I will initially be irked, I will grudgingly accept it. I may switch to more trades and digital editions. My pull list and what I purchase of the rack may be reduced.

But I won't declare 'I am dropping such and such a book!'

At the end of the day and after years of disdaining a $3.99 price point for Marvel and DC comics, I realize I have come to accept such a price point. Comic books with a cover price of $4 or more are the new normal.

Till next time, keep reading.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Bray Wyatt - Is he a Transistional Champ and Guardians of Galaxy 2 Trailer Thoughts

What better way to end an impromptu blogging hiatus than blogging on the first of the month, right? To kick off what I hope is a month filled with more frequent blogging is my thoughts on Bray Wyatt becoming a champion in the WWE along with what I thought of the latest Guardians of the Galaxy 2 trailer. See this entry does have a comics related component!

Not bothering to share a link to the latest Guardians of Galaxy 2 trailer. Should be easily findable due to its high trending nature right now. Absolutely loved it! Former WWE Batista, yeah his WWE stage name but that's how I see him, fits the MCU version of Drax like a glove. Baby Groot plays a much, much bigger role in this trailer than Drax but we do see is hella cool with Drax launching himself at what can best described as a space octopus. Was wondering if Baby Groot would have more of a bit role but that doesn't seem to be the case at all. The trailer's reference to family is a nice touch as Guardians are more like a family than a team. With the absence of the X-Men in the MCU, The Guardians of the Galaxy fill that void. Trailer does an excellent job depicting the Guardians along with Yondu and Nebula as the MCU's quarrelsome space family. Music appears to play a heavy role as well. Like the appearance of Ego in Kurt Russel form at the end. The third trailer will probably provide more plot/villain details...

Now on to the main subject of tonight's blog...

Bray Wyatt is now the Smackdown Champion. Okay, that's not the correct name of the belt but I have not watched wrestling in a very, very long time. Remember my post about Cena becoming champion and Orton winning the Rumble? Yeah, still haven't seen it. I find the longer and longer I go without watching wrestling the less I care about the semantics. The brands of split. In theory, both brands are equal but neither brand's championship crosses over to the other. Ok, I could be wrong. That may have happened. I don't know. I am fairly knowledgeable about wrestling though. Enough to give my two cents on whether or not Bray Wyatt is a transitional champion.

Before I start, Bray Wyatt becoming a top champion is simply fantastic. Would rather a Wyatt championship than an umpteenth Cena or Orton reign. The man deserves it. As Bray will, knock on wood, is more of WWE's future than Cena and Orton, it's absolutely pivotal he becomes seen as more of a top talent. Carrying the top Smackdown belt helps that cause. Doesn't guarantee it as I am sure Jack Swagger can attest....

However, Bray Wyatt is modern day Mick Foley. He can energize storylines and matches. Get himself and his opponent over despite ultimately losing the match. One could quibble Bray won the belt because the WWE had gone to the well too often that it was starting to dry...

While I don't regularly watch WWE, I am aware that Orton was paired with Bray for a time. So as the winner of the Rumble, Orton will probably challenge Bray WrestleMania. I predict Orton will win. WWE could use a Mania victory to propel Bray to the top. Nah. Orton will probably win the belt. Which in turn will probably lead to Cena and Orton resuming their rivalry. But I digress.

A transitional champion is a wrestler who becomes champion only to lose it to the next (viable) opponent. Bray Wyatt winning the belt in the Elimination Chamber only to lose it to Randy Orton at WrestleMania is textbook transitional champion material. Except, there's WWE Fastlane. If he loses the belt at Fastlane, Bray definitely is a transitional champion. Otherwise, Fastlane will probably serve as a 'big victory' for Bray such that his match with Orton means more.

So is Bray Wyatt a transitional champion? I suppose time and Fastlane/WrestleMania outcomes will tell. If he loses the former, yes. If he wins the latter, no. If he wins the former and loses the latter? Technically, Bray Wyatt would not be a transitional champion in the strictest sense. However, as the point of Bray reign would be transition from Cena reign to an Orton reign beginning with WrestleMania, then, yes, he would be. Personally, I don't want that outcome but it does set Orton up for matching Flair's 16-time reign and renewing his Flair/Steamboat rivalry with Cena...

Till Next Time