Thursday, October 16, 2008

Added some more links.

Well, I added some more links. I finally got around to adding a link to Adventure Games Publishing. Other companies that I have added links to are Mongoose and Goodman Games. Necromancer Games forum is listed under communities simply because I lurk on the forum a lot. A real challenge was figuring out where to place ComicMix. ComicMix is a combination site that consists of news, "web"comics, community, and opinion pieces. When I realized I liked the site for more than just the free online comics, I placed it in the general header. Must admit I haven't spent much time there in awhile as I am behind on reading the comics that I buy. Last but not least, I added Xeveninti's blog to my blog list because it combines "old-school" with the new school of 4E.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A curious observation or two...

I just noticed that my two posts are dated Friday. Right now, its past 1am Saturday. I guess my time settings may be off...

On another note, I figured out how to use the link button. I've been wondering how to do that. Guess it was simpler than I was making it out to be. Honestly, I haven't played around with the various options at all. Just been keeping things pretty basic. Yep. All the same its very amusing.

Interesting News: Material that can improve mileage

One site of interest to me is ScienceDaily. On occasion, I peruse the site to discover cool new science news. Today, one of the headlines is about a material that may be able to improve gas mileage. You can read about it here.

Granted, more research is needed before we'll see such material used in a tailpipe.

Opus newspaper strip ends

Finally, a post about comics. Alas, its about bad news. The comic strip Opus is ending. I'll miss seeing new strips in the Sunday paper.

Pathfinder Age of Worms Campaign ends

Sadly, my Age of Worms campaign incorporating the Pathfinder rules has ended. While I was growing increasingly frustrated with the game, I was planning on running the campaign until either its completion or "TPK". I just wouldn't consider it as part of Paizo's open playtest. The game moved too slowly to actually playtest anything. Up until a month or so, the first mod hadn't been completed. Finally, when it looked like all the players would be able to play I learned some bad news. I wouldn't be able to run it. My work schedule is changing such that I don't have a reliable day off. Therefore, I can no longer run Age of Worms on Tuesday. Thus another one of my campaigns ends unfinished.
